What a wonderful country i live at.. Someone published a Naruto "adaptation" comic books titled :
" Naburo : the next Generation of Naruto "
Well, people making doujinshi is a common thing.. But this one, i cannot tolerate at all..
The art style is never same on each pages, the story is lolwat, and it's a LOT more expensive than the original (almost twice as expensive than legally published comic books)
And to make things worse, here's the quote from the Comic author (translated into English) :
"It takes 2 years to research real ninjas existence and a preparation to continue Masashi Kishimoto's dream in order to make this book. However, I am glad, because I can satisfy you guys.... *Iruka Ousama"
OMFG ! This guy is a serious delusional person...
Here's the download link for the scanlated version of the Manga :
Download, and open at your OWN risk.. LUL'z ;D