Ctrl+V Thread

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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Callid »

Spoiler: The BO post, saving copy
OK, I said I'd give you an explanation. Here it comes. I'll first start with myself:

I am

*makes dramatic appearance, jumps onto the stage, slips and falls through the not-secured trap-door*

Well, as you might have guessed, I'm Eisuke - and in love with Kogoro alias Conia. We two, mangaluva (Yumi) formed the Lover's Union.
Since we are both townsfolk, we'll also win if the town wins and we're alive, therefore we can safely ally with every not-BO-player.

At first, I considered the Trickster a very weak role, just like you did. But, after analysing him, I found him to be stronger than any other character, including the detective, the doctor and the slanderer. The strength lies hidden in his ability. I noticed it after Ran's death. I tricked bluekaitou this night, and since someone got killed, I could now safely trust him - if he were BO, we wouldn't have had any deaths! After the double-killing, I knew that all me, Conia, mangaluva, ranger, bluekaitou and Ran were innocent, leaving "only" 5 suspects out of 9 living people. At that time, I asked bluekaitou to join the Union.

The following night, I tricked Elika. Again someone died, Holmes, the detective, and now only three possible BO members remained: Ctu, Beastly and Sakina, while I had 5 sure allies.
At this time, Beastly announced he were Ai. While he can do so safely, it were very useful to me. If he were a BO member, he might claim himself to be townsfolk, but to declare himself Ai was very dangerous if the "true" Ai would show up (and we have an Ai, since Akonyl already informed us about 3 of 4 villagers (although he said it were only models, I believed he wouldn't just make himself additionally work to invent a new description while ignoring a main character  ;D)). Therefore I considered it unlikely for him to be BO, and could therefore conclude that Ctu and Sakina were the BO.

I decided to go for Ctu first and informed the Union while also posting my post above, but it were at break at school and I hadn't enough time to make a post like this. Now to possibilities remain:
  • About 80%: Ctu is BO, and Sakina is as well. Since I'll trick Sakina this night, the BO will die tomorrow.
  • About 10%: Ctu isn't BO, but Sakina and beastly are. In this case it will simply take one more round since I'll always trick Sakina.
  • About 10%: Ctu is BO and Beastly is, yet Sakina isn't. This is the most unpleasant case, since the BO will be able to kill one more time, but because you know I tricked Sakina (Ctu is confirmed as Mafia and dead), you can easily conclude Beastly is BO and, even if both I and Conia were killed (because we're lovers), we'd still win since you would outvote him 3:1 (bluekaitou, Elika, Sakina (!) - Beastly).
To sum it up, I'll give you our table, but I removed the identities of the others members. It's safe to tell them know, so they may do it on their own, but I won't give this information away. Yet they are all enemies of the BO for sure, and that's the important thing. Everything that is bold is sure.

Current informations of the Lover's Union:

bluekaitouNot BO
coniaNot BO
rangerHunter (+)
BeastlyClaims to be Ai
SakinaMost likely BO
mangaluvaYumi (+)
HolmesShinichi (+)
Elika12Not BO
CtuMost likely BO
xcommando      Ran (+)

If you don't believe me, you might ask both the other members (mangaluva, bluekaitou, conia) (they receive this message Bcc). And since mangaluva is dead, he is trustworthy  ;)
Since I only recently contacted blueklaitou, he hasn't answered me his identity yet^^

According to the information, we'll vote for Ctu. I'd like to vote for him as well, so we get a majority. Anyway, I'll trick Sakina, so they won't be able to kill anyone even if we are wrong and Beastly's claim is right.

In hope of a good partnership,

Callid, also known as Eisuke or Trickster, plan-maker (and also somehow the leader) of the Union.
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by miakakiri »


Website of a nearby spa I have an interview at tomorrow! nwn
I have finally started to actually publish my story! For the moment, expect a new chapter each month.

The Case of the Midnight Channel
"When a strange letter summons the Mouri family to Inaba, Ran is expecting a case. She's not expecting it to involve the TV, though.
If Naoto investigated everyone who came to visit Inaba, she'd have little time for real cases. When Yukiko reports that the Midnight Channel is back, however, she starts to wonder if the visitors are connected. Especially when the image clears, unveiling yet another mystery."

Short version: I'm taking various DC/MK characters to Inaba (where Persona 4 takes place) and dropping them through the TV to face their Shadows!
Cross-posted:Case of the Midnight Channel at Archive of our Own.
Something witty should go here.


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Umandsf »

Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 04 [Doremi] [MID#352#4#]

[Renaming video file.]
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by miakakiri »

\Why should I explain myself to YOU?\
Dont blame him! It's not his fault... *wraps her arms around him* He doesnt need more pressure!
Ran...*hugs her tight* Let me protect you...both of you...please. I want to keep you safe...your job right now is to keep the baby safe. *kiss* And I'll keep YOU safe....
\... She never done anything to deserve this. She's exposed to a great danger... And she still cares more about him than herself...?\  *sighs*
*shifts to position himself protectively in front of Ran, and glares at Vermouth*
She will be the first target they'll search... *glares at him* They'll torture her.
*starts shivering, feeling really scared*
*seems startled* What? \I KNEW I needed to get her out of Tokyo and into hiding.....FAST!\
*finds Ran's hand and holds tight, trying to comefort her*
They'll use her to get you, and then they'll kill her IN FRONT of your eyes... *mumbling, more talking to herself, panicked*
A-- Angel--
*gets closer to Shinichi, really scared*
How is that any different from what they would have done before? I'll protect her. I'll protect them both. *glaring at Vermouth*
You... *walks one step closer* ... Spoke about this with someone? *seems worried*
I'm not that much of an idiot. \Though...I guess I wasn't talking as softly as I thought....and I can see why you'd think I was dumb enough to let her spread the news....\
Er, hidden because it's a bit long. A piece of rp-bit that I was showing off.
I have finally started to actually publish my story! For the moment, expect a new chapter each month.

The Case of the Midnight Channel
"When a strange letter summons the Mouri family to Inaba, Ran is expecting a case. She's not expecting it to involve the TV, though.
If Naoto investigated everyone who came to visit Inaba, she'd have little time for real cases. When Yukiko reports that the Midnight Channel is back, however, she starts to wonder if the visitors are connected. Especially when the image clears, unveiling yet another mystery."

Short version: I'm taking various DC/MK characters to Inaba (where Persona 4 takes place) and dropping them through the TV to face their Shadows!
Cross-posted:Case of the Midnight Channel at Archive of our Own.
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Umandsf »

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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Callid »

Hi, ich suche nach der richtigen Übersetzung für Querflöte. Ich weiß leo sagt, German flute oder transverse flute. Ich habe einen Englischen Muttersprachler danach gefragt, er hat beides noch nie gehört und sagte, ich solle flute benutzen. Aber mir wäre schon wichtig, das Leute wissen, dass es eine Querflöte ist. In meiner Übersetzung wird es keinen Kontext geben, sondern nur das Instrument aufgezählt

Weiß jemand etwas über die wirklich gebrauchten Wörter?

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
Autor Lucia 14 Aug 09 17:18

Quoting LEO forums. The author says he wants to know the exact translation of Querflöte (flute) and says he can't take "flute" because it's not clear through context that he means a Querflöte. See the Ai&Conan screencap thread.
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That was expected from my Silver Bullet


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Beastly »

LOL WTFS its the INternetz
Something witty should go here.


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Umandsf »

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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Callid »

Code: Select all

Well, looks as if I've been a little bit lazy...
If  ;), :D, ;D, ::), :P, :-X, :o or >:D are attached, that paragraph may not be 100% serious. Seriously.
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by c-square »

the person who banned
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Conia »

using namespace std;
int main(void){
int im,r;
if (im=100,im500){
  cout<<"El precio final con el descuento aplicado es de: "<<r;
    return 0;

Trying C++ code on Code::Blocks, I'm really enthusiastic about learning programming :)
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Callid »

who banned the person

Well, c-square - guess what I did  ;)
If  ;), :D, ;D, ::), :P, :-X, :o or >:D are attached, that paragraph may not be 100% serious. Seriously.
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
Shounen Tantei Dan, Dai Seikou!


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by c-square »

conia wrote: Trying C++ code on Code::Blocks, I'm really enthusiastic about learning programming :)
Good for you!  Two questions about your code:

1) What happens if im = 500?
2) What happens if the user inputs letters instead of numbers?
Callid wrote: who banned the person

Well, c-square - guess what I did  ;)
Yup!  I saw.  And I approve!  ;)
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Conia »

c-square wrote:
conia wrote: Trying C++ code on Code::Blocks, I'm really enthusiastic about learning programming :)
Good for you!  Two questions about your code:

1) What happens if im = 500?
2) What happens if the user inputs letters instead of numbers?
You're going too fast man! hehe
seriously: This isn't mine, is from a friend from university who told me to try this code, as when I insert other code that worked in the university's PC, I get errors :( But this code ain't working too :( I'm downloading another Code::Blocks now, I hope this works!
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by mangaluva »

AN: Another story brought to you by the Layton anon meme. The prompt was for a crossover with Layton and Portal. And lo, there was crack. They asked for fanart, but I just couldn't get this image out of my head. I own neither Layton, nor Portal, and the last line was inspired by The Simpsons. Thanks for reading, all! Much love!

Desk from Above!

Luke knew he'd done it this time.

Oh, he hadn't been trying to do it, really he hadn't. But when the Professor had brought the odd looking gun thing home and told him that he was not to touch it, it sparked the kind of curiosity that would have inspired any child to attempt to bend the rules just a little.

He just hadn't quite counted on the gun doing, well, THAT.

And now, standing amidst the wreckage of what had moments ago been Layton's office, Luke rather wished he had obeyed. He still didn't know what the gun was or how it had done those things, or where the birds had come from, but he rather hoped the Professor would tell him now.

After he was done scolding, anyway.

Apparently satisfied with Luke's very real contrition and promises that yes, he would clean up the mess, Layton fell silent for a moment. It was then that Luke decided to venture the question that had been bothering him since the thing had come into the house. "Professor, what is that thing, anyway?"

Layton glanced at it, then sighed. "It's called a portal gun, my boy."

"A portal gun?"

"It had the rather unusual ability to shoot what are called portals. One end is orange, the other is blue," Layton explained, picking the gun in question up. "A colleague of mine at the university has been working on this for quite some time, and finally finished a working prototype. He asked me to hold onto it for him for a day or two."

"Why did he need you to watch it for him, Professor?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but he said something about a woman named Gladys or something like that," Layton said, then frowned. "I seem to recall him also mentioning something about cake and lies, but I don't quite know what that was all about."

"How does it work?"

Layton frowned. "I'm not entirely sure myself. It's rather complicated, but it has been proven possible for people to actually move through space using these portals."

"…is that how the birds got inside?"

"Yes, Luke," Layton's voice became a bit strained at that. "The portal blast that went out the window apparently managed to send a few of them in here. And the one that you managed to shoot onto the floor beneath my desk," a glance to the side made him cringe at the broken wooden heap, "sent it careening through the ceiling."

"I'm sorry, Professor," Luke said in a small voice.

"Best be getting this cleaned up, Luke. I suspect it will take some time," Layton said, tucking the gun carefully under one arm. Luke assumed that the Professor would be taking it somewhere out of the boy's reach, quite possibly up to the Professor's own room; in terms of keeping things away from Luke, that was the safest place in the house. For this, he did not blame the man at all. "And Luke, next time I tell you not to touch something, I encourage to remember this and listen."

"Yes, Professor."

"Remember, my boy," Layton said as he strolled out of the office towards the stairs, "in this household, we obey the laws of physics."
A Professor Layton oneshot from the absolutely stunning Candyland that I loved too much not to keep. (even better, the previous one ended with the words "I CAN TASTE COLOURS!!"- How can you not love that? XD)
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