(Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Forum reserved for discussing specific points of the story—mostly from the manga. Be warned, these discussions will be current with the manga and will spoil many plot lines for anime-centric fans.
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by Serinox »

MrDetective wrote:What I don't get is, if indeed Shinichi and Sera have met before then why doesn't he remember her while she does
It could be that their meetings had different meanings for each of them. Sera hints in the Romance Novel Case that she has a very fond/romantic memory of their past meeting, so she remembers their meeting because it means a lot to her? And he doesn't remember because it was just another day for him and he doesn't remember every person he met 5-10 years ago?
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by Jecka »

I'd just like to say something like (not really) this happened to me, I was reintroduced to my best friend from Elementary school didn't remember me, but I remembered him :V We hadn't seen each other in like 7 years. ;_;
Anyway, people change greatly especially when they're still kids, so I don't expect many people to actually remember much about people they haven't seen in years. :P
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by yangti1674 »

Thank you very much for sharing. This thread helped me a lot when I was translating the AC spoilers and posting them onto a Chinese forum.

Seems like there're a few AC updates missing:
The following are my translations, though I'm not so sure about them.
09-20 2014
♠ It's Snake again after 19 years!
I want Sakamoto's UNI too.(^_^ (no idea what UNI is)
♣ This new series will be animated too
09-29 2014
♠ The third file of Kaito is finally finished~
The Giants won! Hooray~
♣ It's Kaito Corbeau tonight!
Chikake-san changed surprisingly;
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by Startold »

♥ I want Sakamoto's UNI too.(^_^ (no idea what UNI is)
It maybe means "uniform".
Thanks for sharing!
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by yangti1674 »

Startold wrote:
♥ I want Sakamoto's UNI too.(^_^ (no idea what UNI is)
It maybe means "uniform".
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you. It does, and so do the "uni"s in the updates of 06-11 2014. The uniforms Gosho talked about refer to the ones in Animal Crossing. "Akishima", as mentioned in the update of 06-11 2014, is a Japanese DC fan. Here's a link to a picture of the uniforms: https://twitter.com/akishima221a/status ... 1648414721

Some even earlier updates in AC can be found in this blog:
although those are text records only (without pictures). As I read them there's nothing important in those earlier updates. The original Japanese texts are as follows. I'll add translations later.
Several days before 01-28 2014
♠ つぎのジケンは、タコアゲたいかい
いつまで たべてんのよ(`Д´)/

02-11 2014
♠ サナダ…ちとアホに かきすぎたw
ヒゴさんって なんさい なんだろう
ダンディ ラ~イ オ~~ン♪(^O^)

02-18 2014
♠ つぎは、おちゃかいドクサツじけん

02-24 2014
ユズルくん きんメダルおめでとう

Several days before 03-05 2014
♠ エレーナ ひさしぶりに かいたよ♪
まおちゃん がんばったね(T-T)

03-05 2014
♠ ナゼおいしいフルーツができない?
レジェンドかさい かっこよかった
つぎは アムロvsFBI らしいわよ…

03-21 2014
♠ ダビンチにシン・ラン かいたよ~
サンデー表紙 赤井&コナン
♣ つぎのタンテイズカンはオレキくん

04-10 2014
♠ おいしいフルーツやっと できた♪
♠ シシャかい たのしかったよ~♪
♠ アフタヌンティセットのがした(;Д;
♣ いよいよ ワールド カップだね~♪
しぶやセンセイは アシの なまえw

04-18 2014
♠ サッカー スタジアム かんせ~い♪

04-29 2014
♠ ぎんのオノ ゴジュウれんばい(T-T
ちはやのスエツグせんせ びじん♪
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by jimmy_kud0_tv2 »

Thank you for finding these!

If you, or someone else, translate them soon, I will add the Conan series related ones to the first post on the first page on Friday afternoon.
I hope that I can find someway to contribute to the community even if it's just random crack theories and looking things up for people who can't find the information they need.
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by aly_angelflight »

yangti1674 wrote:
Several days before 01-28 2014
♠ つぎのジケンは、タコアゲたいかい
Next case will be a kite flying competition
The sports bra was put on properly
いつまで たべてんのよ(`Д´)/

02-11 2014
♠ サナダ…ちとアホに かきすぎたw
ヒゴさんって なんさい なんだろう
Now that I think about it, I wonder how old Higo-san is..
ダンディ ラ~イ オ~~ン♪(^O^)

02-18 2014
♠ つぎは、おちゃかいドクサツじけん
Next will be a tea poisoning case.

02-24 2014
ユズルくん きんメダルおめでとう
Congratulations to Yuzuru-kun for getting a gold medal!

Several days before 03-05 2014
♠ エレーナ ひさしぶりに かいたよ♪
I drew Elena for the first time in a while!
まおちゃん がんばったね(T-T)
Good luck, Mao-chan! (T-T)

03-05 2014
♠ ナゼおいしいフルーツができない?
Why can't I ever grow any tasty fruits?
レジェンドかさい かっこよかった
Noriaki Kasai was cool! (Thank you, Google, for telling me what the heck "Legend Kasai" was supposed to be.)
つぎは アムロvsFBI らしいわよ…
Amuro vs. the FBI appears to be next...

03-21 2014
♠ ダビンチにシン・ラン かいたよ~
Drew ShinRan like da Vinci~
サンデー表紙 赤井&コナン
Sunday's cover this time will feature Akai and Conan
♣ つぎのタンテイズカンはオレキくん
Next volume's featured detective will be Oreki-kun.
04-10 2014
♠ おいしいフルーツやっと できた♪
Finally, I grew some tasty fruits!
♠ シシャかい たのしかったよ~♪
The movie premiere was fun~
♠ アフタヌンティセットのがした(;Д;
The afternoon tea set is missing! (;A;
Congratulations to Hayato-kun on his 100th match!
♣ いよいよ ワールド カップだね~♪
Finally, it's the World Cup!
しぶやセンセイは アシの なまえw
Shibuya-sensei is the assistant's name.

04-18 2014
♠ サッカー スタジアム かんせ~い♪
The soccer stadium is complete!

04-29 2014
♠ ぎんのオノ ゴジュウれんばい(T-T
The golden axe is on sale for half off. (One of the in-game items.)
ちはやのスエツグせんせ びじん♪
Chihayafuru's manga-ka Suetsugu-sensei is beautiful!
Added translations for most of them above.
"I suppose he could have changed. I myself have noticed my growing resemblance to a daffodil.”
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by Kor »

Now that I think about it, I wonder how old Higo-san is..
Crap, he's actually thinking about it. Gosho, DO NOT go there.
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by MrDetective »

Is it possible we will have more than 16 pages when Gosho releases the newest chapter?
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by Serinox »

MrDetective wrote:Is it possible we will have more than 16 pages when Gosho releases the newest chapter?
Well, he said in one hint that Ran Girl is finished and since that was teased by him as a two parter, it could theoretically be possible that we get a double issue with the next release.

However, I doubt they'd want to release two chapters in one week as long as Gosho isn't 100% back in his work rhythm.
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by DCUniverseAficionado »

Kor wrote:
Now that I think about it, I wonder how old Higo-san is..
Crap, he's actually thinking about it. Gosho, DO NOT go there.
Sorry, but I'm not seeing what you're specifically worried about–is it about him being paired up with Ai, or someone else? (Sorry, again–that's the only thing I can think of–feel free to tell me I'm absolutely dead wrong on my guess)
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by Kor »

DCUniverseAficionado wrote:
Kor wrote:
Now that I think about it, I wonder how old Higo-san is..
Crap, he's actually thinking about it. Gosho, DO NOT go there.
Sorry, but I'm not seeing what you're specifically worried about–is it about him being paired up with Ai, or someone else? (Sorry, again–that's the only thing I can think of–feel free to tell me I'm absolutely dead wrong on my guess)
You are indeed correct in your guess :P
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by Wakarimashita »

But...but...Higo and Ai weren't childhood friends so it can't work. :-X
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Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by Kor »

They aren't childhood friends YET. Give it 5 more years :V

Okay, but I don't truly think Gosho's gonna go there. I just don't like that implication he threw in there, though.


Re: (Spoilers) Postcard and Animal Crossings hints/ spoilers

Post by ALAKTORN »

…Who is Higo?
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