Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Detective & Civilians win!)

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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Stopwatch »

miyano_shiho wrote:I can't really be sure, but maybe he thought he could probably use it for the next day when he posted the list of people who did and didn't post on D1. Possibly trying to act innocent when he said "but dammit that'll make me informant suspect as well 'coz i didn't say anything. damn you spy Dx<."
Reads would be helpful ^^.

EDIT: Wrong Miyano quote. Oh well.
Terry Pratchett wrote: The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
bash7353 wrote:I kind of always assumed that Haneda's parents might've had names.
Spoiler: Box full of stuff
Write a Will
Some year's SS by Abs. :D
DCW SS from Anime Girl 4 Eva]
Thanks, cinna ^^
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Raiden »

Hmm...I might vote Nemomon today, unless a good reason can be given why I should not.

EDIT: * Raiden looks at Kleene lurking in the thread and wonders if she will say something before phase change... :o
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Kleene Onigiri
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Kleene Onigiri »

*lurks lurks luuuurkksss*

Come to think of it, I didn't say who I'll vote yet D: But I'm not sure if I should considering what happened last phase ^^"
Oh well, I vote Jellitto :V
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Nemomon »

Raiden, I won't tell You even a single reason why You should not vote for me. In fact, I'm pleased to hear that You even remember me.

I still have half an hour until the phase will end, and this time I will vote. And I will vote Cinna. Cinna's cake isn't the best one I ever eat, and Cinna (have no idea if You have a boy parts or even a bigger balls than most of boys at the top of Your body...) isn't really contributing much to the game. Same as me. But this time I'm voting.
My dad’s a soldier blue I’ll be a soldier, too
When I grow older you will see me rescue you
I’ll teach you this old song so you can sing along
When I am dead and gone the day won’t be so long.
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Jellitto »

So that's... three votes for me? Well, I haven't been active at all this round so I guess I can only blame myself for this.
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 5)

Post by Fujiwara »

End of Day 4

Nemomon, a Civilian, was lynched.

Kaito Lady, a Civilian, was killed by the Spy.
  • Nemomon (4)
    • bash7353
    • Kaito Lady
    • Nemomon
    • Raiden
  • darkest absol (3)
    • Jellitto
    • miyano_shiho
    • Raifujin
  • Jellitto (3)
    • darkest absol
    • Ekoyuhale
    • Kleene Onigiri
  • Stopwatch (2)
    • miakakiri
    • Stopwatch
  • cinnamoroll (1)
    • cinnamoroll
  • Jecka (1)
    • Jecka
  • miakakiri (1)
    • MoonRaven
Start of Day 5!

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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 5)

Post by cinnamoroll »

D: Two more civilians down >_<
I got home too late to send in a vote!!!!!! Well I didn't really know who I was gonna vote :V (and for some reason I thought phase change was at 5pm in my timezone :-X )
Nemomon wrote:Cinna's cake isn't the best one I ever eat, and Cinna (have no idea if You have a boy parts or even a bigger balls than most of boys at the top of Your body...) isn't really contributing much to the game. Same as me. But this time I'm voting.
What? o_O
Spoiler: Awesome Christmas present from Kain <3
Spoiler: KL's cute Christmas present ^^
Spoiler: Cute Christmas present by Stoppy ^^
Spoiler: PT <3
Spoiler: Jeck's Frosty :3
This is my melody and it's just the raver's fantasy


Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 5)

Post by Nemomon »

cinnamoroll wrote:
Nemomon wrote:Cinna's cake isn't the best one I ever eat, and Cinna (have no idea if You have a boy parts or even a bigger balls than most of boys at the top of Your body...) isn't really contributing much to the game. Same as me. But this time I'm voting.
What? o_O
I was trying to guess Your gender :P. Instead of saying "Cinna this, Cinna that" is always easier to "Cinna this, he that". But since Your profile is missing this information, I wrote a small joke about certain parts of human's body :P
My dad’s a soldier blue I’ll be a soldier, too
When I grow older you will see me rescue you
I’ll teach you this old song so you can sing along
When I am dead and gone the day won’t be so long.


Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 5)

Post by bash7353 »

I want us to lynch DarkestAbsol or miakakiri next due to the fact that their failure to vote coincided with the Spy's failure to kill, assuming dumytru wasn't the kill target.

What do you guys think? It would be really great if we started discussing who we think is evil rather than just voting semi-randomly.
"Vad ska jag annars vara?" - "Det vet jag inte. Det måste du svara på. Men om du släpper allt du tror att du måste, och frågar dig vad du vill... Vad vill du då?"


人生は苦痛ですか 成功が全てですか
僕はあなたにあなたに ただ逢いたいだけ
信じたい嘘 効かない薬 帰れないサヨナラ
叫べ叫べ叫べ   逢いたいだけ
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 5)

Post by Raiden »

Why would you go and vote yourself, Nemomon? Could have been a tie if you had just voted someone else, like, I dunno, me. I am irrelevant. :(
“Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept.” ― Frances Hardinge
“If you are cold, tea will warm you;
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If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.”
― William Ewart Gladstone

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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 5)

Post by Fujiwara »

This is a reminder to all players that dead players should not be posting in this thread or be communicating with living players about the game in any way.
You're welcome to talk about the game with other dead players in the graveyard instead.
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 5)

Post by Jecka »

Oh crap :V
I have no excuse except maybe I had to do something for my mom and completely forgot about this :XXX
Anyway DDDD: Nemomon and KL!
3DS FC: 1435-4098-2557
Spoiler: Yay Nini! \o/
Usa-chan Man wrote: I am a rabbit, but at the same time, I am not.
Jecka: Those damn beavers
*Jecka sobs
Slider: Those DAM beavers? :V
Jecka: Slider no
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darkest absol


Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 5)

Post by darkest absol »

Like I said earlier, I was busy that day and couldn't get in to vote.
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Spoiler: Secret Santa 2015 (Thanks, Raiden!)
Spoiler: A surprise Christmas gift from cinnamoroll
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Really not sure what I should put here....


Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 3)

Post by miakakiri »

I've already explained why I failed to send in a vote on that day.
miakakiri wrote:Argh. ~_~* I am a doof, sorry. ~_~*
I wasn't feeling well last night (spent a good chunk of the evening in Urgent Care) so I didn't get my voting done then. Tuesday is run-around-town day and we got a late start, which resulted in my completely forgetting about the game until phase change had passed, and this is why I ended up self-voting. ~_~* I realize these claims are not exactly provable, unless one talks to Archi (who isn't on the forum). What you think of me is up to you.
I still don't think I have anything particularly useful to contribute. Mostly because I'm not sure what might actually be useful. ~_~*
Once again, while I understand the rules of the game, I do not have a clear impression of how to actually play. I am not sure I see how the list is useful. Should I be voting for people on my list, or those who aren't on it? Until someone actually answers that for me, I will vote randomly amoung the living players who aren't on my list, so as to avoid accidentally voting for the detective.
I have finally started to actually publish my story! For the moment, expect a new chapter each month.

The Case of the Midnight Channel
"When a strange letter summons the Mouri family to Inaba, Ran is expecting a case. She's not expecting it to involve the TV, though.
If Naoto investigated everyone who came to visit Inaba, she'd have little time for real cases. When Yukiko reports that the Midnight Channel is back, however, she starts to wonder if the visitors are connected. Especially when the image clears, unveiling yet another mystery."

Short version: I'm taking various DC/MK characters to Inaba (where Persona 4 takes place) and dropping them through the TV to face their Shadows!
Cross-posted:Case of the Midnight Channel at Archive of our Own.
I just love numbers... :)


Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 5)

Post by miyano_shiho »

miakakiri wrote:Once again, while I understand the rules of the game, I do not have a clear impression of how to actually play. I am not sure I see how the list is useful. Should I be voting for people on my list, or those who aren't on it? Until someone actually answers that for me, I will vote randomly amoung the living players who aren't on my list, so as to avoid accidentally voting for the detective.
I think voting people who aren't in your list is good.

We couldn't really continue voting randomly, though. Most likely civilians will just keep dying and the chances of the Spy killing the Detective will get higher. It's really hard when we don't have solid leads and there's not enough talking happening.

Here's a summary of the current status of the game.

Killed by the spy:
D1 Yuri Iwamoto
D2 (dumytru?)
D3 shinichi'sapprentice
D4 Kaito Lady

D1 Togop
D2 dumytru
D3 FuruyAkai
D4 Nemomon

D1 Jecka, Stopwatch
D2 darkest absol, miakakiri, Stopwatch
D3 bash7353, MoonRaven, Stopwatch
D4 Stopwatch, cinnamoroll, Jecka

Remaining players:
1. miyano_shiho
2. MoonRaven
3. Jellitto
4. miakakiri
5. bash7353
6. Jecka
7. Raiden
8. Raifuujin
9. Ekoyuhale
10. Kleene Onigiri
11. cinnamoroll
12. Stopwatch
13. darkest absol

Considering the Spy has killed for every phase except D2, I think dumytru really was the kill target. Also, we've been lynching self-voters recently and they turned out to be civilians. I think the Spy is rather more active. Maybe they killed shinichi'sapprentice because they thought he was acting like the detective. I don't really want to do an analysis of every player... Maybe I'll suggest lynching one of those who aren't active enough in the thread but also aren't self-voting (Jellitto, Raiden, Raifuujin, Ekoyuhale).

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