Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Detective & Civilians win!)

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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by miyano_shiho »

I also don't think that the spy killed their informant on purpose. I believe it's because they haven't really identified the informants yet, as can be seen in SA's Day 3 post:
shinichi'sapprentice wrote: if i have to add something else of what has already been said about the Day 2 no kill, it is that it could be that the spy hasn't identified all of their informants yet? but honestly, first thing that came to mind is that the spy's Day 2 target is dumytru as well.

It is very possible that the spy ordered the informants to "ditch day 1", since SA was very particular with it in his Day 2 post, probably because he wanted to clear his name. So I was wrong when I said that the informants were most probably among the D1 posters.
shinichi'sapprentice wrote: non-posters of D1:

as for the people who were against the ditchday1, i'd like to ask Jellitto and Jecka why you guys didn't say anything at D1 at all <___< could it be that that's your spy's order? but dammit that'll make me informant suspect as well 'coz i didn't say anything. damn you spy Dx< and Raifuujin, i thought i told you- i thought you said you'd be more active from now on... one last about the ditchday1...
That would make everyone in that list suspicious. And the informants only know the identity of the spy and not the other informant, right? It is possible that SA was looking for them too. Wouldn't that make Jellitto and Jecka more suspicious then?

Also, SA was doing the "Fake Investigate" thing. I didn't really see many people doing it (though I did after D1 but not D2). Maybe we could get some clues on who may be the spy from these?
shinichi'sapprentice wrote:
how convenient it is that my investigations among Yuri Iwamoto, Kleene Onigiri, and Togop reveals that Yuri is not the spy Dx< dammit.
shinichi'sapprentice wrote: my investigations among MoonRaven, bash7353, and Stopwatch reveals that MoonRaven is not the spy.
I'll be keeping an eye on these people for now.

bash7353 wrote:I think I'll vote Miyano now.
What makes you think I'm suspicious? Could it be because I didn't post on D1 as well? Well, I said I did that on purpose. I hope you're not considering my votes for the kill targets again (assuming dumytru really was the kill target on D2). And you know that I haven't really participated in these discussions before, so if my actions seem to be similar with SA (making lists and stuff), it's just because that's how I prefer to play.

As for D3 posters, everybody except Raifuujin posted.

I'm probably voting either Jellitto or Jecka. EDIT: I think I'm voting Raifuujin. I'll see if I can post again before going to sleep.

Aww, I realized you had been voting me since D1 so I decided return the deed. o/\o XD

(I can't believe how long this post has gotten. :V)

“Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it's to leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind.” - Unknown

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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by miakakiri »

Argh. I still don't understand what to do with the list. So I figure that for the moment I will vote for people not on the list in order to avoid voting for the Detective by accident. Going to select a random vote now so I don't forget, especially as I have errands and work so I won't even be able to check in until at least 4 hours after phase change.
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"When a strange letter summons the Mouri family to Inaba, Ran is expecting a case. She's not expecting it to involve the TV, though.
If Naoto investigated everyone who came to visit Inaba, she'd have little time for real cases. When Yukiko reports that the Midnight Channel is back, however, she starts to wonder if the visitors are connected. Especially when the image clears, unveiling yet another mystery."

Short version: I'm taking various DC/MK characters to Inaba (where Persona 4 takes place) and dropping them through the TV to face their Shadows!
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Stopwatch »

bash7353 wrote:I don't quite understand why people think purposefully killing your Informant might be a good idea. It's much more likely the Spy just didn't realise.
I said this. Please read my post in its entirety >_<.

And Informants have different orders sent to them iirc. The Spy could send the same thing but doesn't it work better to give different identifiers to different Informants so that later on their actions can be better decided on? Sorry if that's not clear.
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bash7353 wrote:I kind of always assumed that Haneda's parents might've had names.
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by miyano_shiho »

Stopwatch wrote:And Informants have different orders sent to them iirc. The Spy could send the same thing but doesn't it work better to give different identifiers to different Informants so that later on their actions can be better decided on? Sorry if that's not clear.
Oh, yeah, I didn't realize that. I guess we cannot conclude that the other informant also didn't post on D1.

I have no idea what the spy could have sent though. Maybe there really were problems with identifying them. What we only have now are SA's posts. His Fake Investigates might or might not have been random.

Right now I don't have a definite vote yet. (Disregard what I said about who I'll vote in my previous post) I wouldn't want it to be random, though. And it doesn't help that I'm not here when people start announcing their votes...

“Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it's to leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind.” - Unknown

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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by MoonRaven »

Ah, I forgot to vote... Sorry, I didn't feel like doing it in the morning and then I got stuff to do in the evening...
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by darkest absol »

Gah. I'm going to make sure I have a vote in, so I'll vote Jellito for now. I might change it if I have time later.
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by bash7353 »

miyano_shiho wrote:
bash7353 wrote:I think I'll vote Miyano now.
What makes you think I'm suspicious? Could it be because I didn't post on D1 as well? Well, I said I did that on purpose. [...]
What's the point of purposefully not saying anything?

Here are my thoughts about players:

Kleene: Voted for by 10221 Day 1, therefore likely non-Spy
Jex: Forgot to send in actions Day 1 when the Spy killed, therefore non-Spy
Stop: Consistently voting herself. That's a very risky strategy, so likely Civilian.
Nemomon: Voted himself Day 2 when no one was killed, therefore possible Spy
miakakiri: Voted herself Day 2 when no one was killed, therefore possible Spy
DarkestAbsol: Voted herself Day 2 when no one was killed, therefore possible Spy
Miyano: Silent throughout Day 1, just like 10021, therefore possible Informant
Jellitto: Silent throughout Day 1, just like 10021, therefore possible Informant
Raifuujin: Silent throughout Day 1, just like 10021, therefore possible Informant
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by miyano_shiho »

bash7353 wrote:
miyano_shiho wrote:
bash7353 wrote:I think I'll vote Miyano now.
What makes you think I'm suspicious? Could it be because I didn't post on D1 as well? Well, I said I did that on purpose. [...]
What's the point of purposefully not saying anything?
Well, ideally, I thought the spy would send an order that requires the informants to post in the thread on D1. I thought it might make me less suspicious if I didn't post, but it doesn't seem that way now.

But you're missing a point there. If to "ditch day 1" really was the order from the Spy, why would they risk killing one of those six people who didn't post? It would be safer, and more logical, to just kill people who posted. I'm saying that theory is really unlikely now, and I'd like to ask people not to jump to conclusions too fast.

Those who said they'd vote for someone who didn't post on D1, please reconsider your votes.

“Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it's to leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind.” - Unknown

“If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.” - Nora Roberts

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." - Robert Brault

"Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow." - Denis Waitley
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Stopwatch »

You were thinking it would make you come off as 'less suspicious'? That was your only thought process behind it? Please tell me you had some other reason because seriously, what.
Terry Pratchett wrote: The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
bash7353 wrote:I kind of always assumed that Haneda's parents might've had names.
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by miyano_shiho »

Stopwatch wrote:You were thinking it would make you come off as 'less suspicious'? That was your only thought process behind it? Please tell me you had some other reason because seriously, what.
I'm sorry if that seemed absurd to you. I didn't really post that much in the previous rounds nor participated in discussions, and now I figured that I could try to post if I had anything that could be helpful. But it was D1 anyway and there were pretty much no leads yet, so it wouldn't hurt not to post anything at all (or maybe not, depends on the person).

“Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it's to leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind.” - Unknown

“If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.” - Nora Roberts

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." - Robert Brault

"Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow." - Denis Waitley


Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by bash7353 »

miyano_shiho wrote:But you're missing a point there. If to "ditch day 1" really was the order from the Spy, why would they risk killing one of those six people who didn't post? It would be safer, and more logical, to just kill people who posted. I'm saying that theory is really unlikely now, and I'd like to ask people not to jump to conclusions too fast.
I have addressed this already. 10221 was killed a couple of phases into the game. By then the Spy will have been able to send more orders and observe people's behaviour than just the "Don't post any messages Day 1" order I'm theorising the Spy may have sent at the end of Prep Phase. Maybe 10221 did something that made the Spy think he's unlikely to be the Detective in a misunderstanding. Communication can easily break down if it is as limited as it is between Spy and Informants in this game.

I do understand, though, that it is just a theory. Maybe I'm wrong. However, as I mentioned before, I think it is unlike 10221 not to send any messages for an entire phase. His Prep phase post indicates he was not in favour of Ditch Day 1, and besides we agreed not to employ that strategy. So, assuming I am wrong, and the reason 10221 didn't say anything the entire phase isn't that he was ordered to by the Spy, what is?
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by miyano_shiho »

I can't really be sure, but maybe he thought he could probably use it for the next day when he posted the list of people who did and didn't post on D1. Possibly trying to act innocent when he said "but dammit that'll make me informant suspect as well 'coz i didn't say anything. damn you spy Dx<."

“Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it's to leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind.” - Unknown

“If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.” - Nora Roberts

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." - Robert Brault

"Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow." - Denis Waitley
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Nemomon »

bash7353 wrote:
miyano_shiho wrote:
bash7353 wrote:I think I'll vote Miyano now.
What makes you think I'm suspicious? Could it be because I didn't post on D1 as well? Well, I said I did that on purpose. [...]
What's the point of purposefully not saying anything?

Here are my thoughts about players:

Kleene: Voted for by 10221 Day 1, therefore likely non-Spy
Jex: Forgot to send in actions Day 1 when the Spy killed, therefore non-Spy
Stop: Consistently voting herself. That's a very risky strategy, so likely Civilian.
Nemomon: Voted himself Day 2 when no one was killed, therefore possible Spy
miakakiri: Voted herself Day 2 when no one was killed, therefore possible Spy
DarkestAbsol: Voted herself Day 2 when no one was killed, therefore possible Spy
Miyano: Silent throughout Day 1, just like 10021, therefore possible Informant
Jellitto: Silent throughout Day 1, just like 10021, therefore possible Informant
Raifuujin: Silent throughout Day 1, just like 10021, therefore possible Informant
It was not that I voted for myself, but rather I was not home enough long to be able to vote. Plus, if I were the spy, I would be voting for anybody, just for the sake of voting and hoping to kill someone.

As for the cold informant, it also could be that he didn't follow the Spy's orders.
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Kaito Lady »

just saying that I'll be voting randomly again
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Re: ESPIONAGE: Round Six (Day 4)

Post by Nemomon »

I'm going to my sister, I might vote randomly, or might back when the phase will change.
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