Ctrl+V Thread

The home to DCTP Forum Mafia as well as any other type of random forum game that you can conjure up.
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by blackcat »

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Callid »

Es wäre sicher gut, wenn die zu uns wechselten. Wie wäre es mit:

An die Mitglieder des Clan of War.

Da ihr ja keinen Administrator oder Diplomaten mehr habt, also als Allianz kaum mehr handlungsfähig seid - schließlich könnt ihr weder Mitglieder entlassen noch aufnehmen oder Abkommen treffen - würden wir euch gerne bei uns in der Allianz HDF! aufnehmen. Ihr könnt natürlich auch den Clan of War neu gründen, aber als vereinigte Allianz sind wir stärker und können Gefahren von außerhalb eher trotzen, was sicherlich sowohl uns als auch euch zugute käme.
Wir würden uns über eine - möglichst baldige - Antwort von euch freuen.

Dude2k8, Diplomat der HDF!
Creating a diplomatic message for the diplomat of a browser game I'm playing. After all, I'm the diplomatic adviser of the alliance (after I rejected to become a full-time diplomat^^).
If  ;), :D, ;D, ::), :P, :-X, :o or >:D are attached, that paragraph may not be 100% serious. Seriously.
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by miakakiri »

(*sniff* Apparently, you're the only one who can)
* KudouShinichi is trying to work out WHEN and HOW any of this could have happened, but is a bit stuck, certain he's missing something.
That day... you took my angel into your arms...
*looks confused*
(psssst, Shinichi...go watch ep 345...XDXD)
((Why, what'd I miss?))
*stars walking, leaving* And you told me something that made me understand...
((ooo, if you're going to say that, do it in HIS voice!! nwn))
((She's talking to Shinichi, not to Miaka XD))
(I was joking)
*using the old man's voice* The reasons to save someone.
((I always picture her explaining things at one point and actually using Shinichi's voice for his words!! nwn))
*eyes go wide* The killer in New York....so that was YOU in disguise....THAT'S why you don't want her hurt...and why you haven't turned me in either....
(and me...I just happened to be lucky to meet the right people...0
I would never hurt the only angel in this world.

Um...IRC randomness...I don't think there's any spoilers... Oh by the way anything in ((these)) is out of character... and Haibara isn't actually present for the conversation....
I was manual-logging this 'cause it was fun and we'll probably continue it later...

((And yeah, that's me playing Shinichi. Thus the complete girly oddness in the ooc bits. As well as the reference to "Miaka".))
I have finally started to actually publish my story! For the moment, expect a new chapter each month.

The Case of the Midnight Channel
"When a strange letter summons the Mouri family to Inaba, Ran is expecting a case. She's not expecting it to involve the TV, though.
If Naoto investigated everyone who came to visit Inaba, she'd have little time for real cases. When Yukiko reports that the Midnight Channel is back, however, she starts to wonder if the visitors are connected. Especially when the image clears, unveiling yet another mystery."

Short version: I'm taking various DC/MK characters to Inaba (where Persona 4 takes place) and dropping them through the TV to face their Shadows!
Cross-posted:Case of the Midnight Channel at Archive of our Own.
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Fangirl, Pokefreak, Grammar Roman, Movie Geek


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by mangaluva »

Chapter Thirty-Eight
Shinichi was drifting in something akin to that pleasant state where you are still mostly asleep but just awake enough to know that you are still asleep, with the difference that what he was awake enough to know was that he was drugged, not asleep, and in a horribly dangerous situation.
It wasn’t chloroform, since he hadn’t really been asleep. Whatever it had been had smelled of herbs and made his brain feel like it was wrapped in cotton wool, requiring extraneous commands to function. He must have gotten to eat during that time, since he vaguely remembered being hungry but he was fairly certain that he wasn’t now. She’d taken his gadgets at some point, too. Gadgets. Funny calling them that. Made him sound like James Bond, or more likely Inspector Gadget.
Part of him was awake enough now to be mentally smacking itself on the forehead at how much the drug had clearly degraded his brain, but he didn’t feel like coming out of the stupor yet. Something bad would happen, or he’d remember something bad, and right now there was just that faint smell of herbs and comforting numbness. It had been like that for a while. Days, maybe? Must have been. Sunlight shone through the bag when it was day, and there’d been no sunlight more than once. Just stale air, and the clothes in the bag insulating him, keeping him warm and keeping him from moving, and darkness.
But if it had been days, Ran would be worried, wouldn’t she? She had been before, a long time ago, when he’d left and hadn’t come back when he said he would and hadn’t called. He hadn’t gone home this time, either, and he couldn’t remember calling. He should, so she wouldn’t worry, but he couldn’t because Vermouth had taken all of his phones. Why had she done that? Oh, yes. Because she’d kidnapped him.
Shinichi was waking up faster, the effect of the drugs leaving him. Yes, she’d kidnapped him, using that weird mind-numbing drug to keep him under control. He only remembered snatches of the past few days, moments when the drug had been weakest. Mostly gas station bathrooms. He’d been hidden in the huge sports bag when she rode, which was almost all the time, but whenever she’d stopped for gas she’d gone into the station bathroom and let him out to eat and use the toilet and, generally, be re-drugged. He wondered what it was. He wondered where he was.
The bike was slowing, he could tell that now. It seemed to be night, because it was so dark, only occasional flashes of light that had to be streetlamps. There was a drawn-out growl from the engine as Vermouth pulled up somewhere and killed the engine. She got off the bike, he could tell from the movement of the bag, still slung over her shoulder, and began walking the bike somewhere. The jolting motions suggested a forest path, or lack thereof.
Shinichi was now almost fully awake, and capable of considering his options. They were depressingly narrow and similar. For whatever reason, she still didn’t seem to be planning to kill him, but she was still at least twice his weight (he was hitting a growth spurt, unfortunately not as much as he’d like, and she was that particular kind of depressingly skinny that only looks good on actresses) and far taller and stronger than him. She also had a gun, while he no longer had so much as his braces. He could remember that there were two drugs now, chloroform and the strange-smelling stuff for when she needed him capable of movement but not much else. There was no way he could fight her and, judging from the near-silence outside the bag, they were in an isolated and unknown area; nowhere to run to, and if there was he didn’t know where. He probably couldn’t outrun her anyway, and he really couldn’t outrun the bike. He was in trouble.
Finally the movement stopped and the bag was set down very gently, not knocking him about. There was stillness for a while, just a gentle clinking of something metallic outside of the bag and the click of a lighter. After a while, he heard her coming back to the bag. He didn’t move as she unzipped the bag. She smiled slightly when she was met with a cold glare rather than a drug-induced doze.
“I have to say, you’re so much easier to work with when you’re drugged, Cool Guy,â€


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by takiko »


[Doing my Theology project right ow.]
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Fangirl, Pokefreak, Grammar Roman, Movie Geek


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by mangaluva »

Chapter Forty
The Poor Child
Eta sat and stared at the stars, unable to sleep. It wasn’t the dream- no, she’d been having that so long that she was used to it. It didn’t bother her. She knew what it meant. But the last few nights, she had felt some invasive presence- something else seeing her dream. That worried her. Her dream was hers; a part of her for so long, her fate, her future. She wondered what was trying to see her dream- and how much it would understand.
Perhaps whatever it was was stopping her from having her other dream- she hadn’t had it in a while, and she missed it. She missed her children. Perhaps they only existed in her dream, but they were hers, and she longed to see their faces again, to hear their voices, to hold them, if only in her mind.
Or perhaps she wasn’t having it because they no longer existed only in her head. She had found them here, in the real world, seen their faces in her waking hours, heard their voices from living mouths. Her children were real. She may not have given birth to them, but...
“After so long, I’m entitled to some form of madness, I’m sure,â€
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Really not sure what I should put here....


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by miakakiri »


Link to my husband's story. Which he really does need to update again...I know he was working on it a month or two ago...said something about having a new chapter ready soon...and hasn't actually done anything with it yet. ~_~*
I have finally started to actually publish my story! For the moment, expect a new chapter each month.

The Case of the Midnight Channel
"When a strange letter summons the Mouri family to Inaba, Ran is expecting a case. She's not expecting it to involve the TV, though.
If Naoto investigated everyone who came to visit Inaba, she'd have little time for real cases. When Yukiko reports that the Midnight Channel is back, however, she starts to wonder if the visitors are connected. Especially when the image clears, unveiling yet another mystery."

Short version: I'm taking various DC/MK characters to Inaba (where Persona 4 takes place) and dropping them through the TV to face their Shadows!
Cross-posted:Case of the Midnight Channel at Archive of our Own.
Something witty should go here.


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Umandsf »


Directing someone to an existing thread.
Boxcar Children
Osorezan Revoir/The black thousand-paper-cranes


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Boxcar Children »


my sisters deviant Art page :)
My Deviantart page==â–ºhttp://boxcarchildren.deviantart.com/
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Ratio vincit omnia.


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Callid »

back_server4 --- bin aktiv
d3str0y 998
hebov -------------> 1, 2
Kallisto -------> 1, 2, 3, 4
LionElJonson---------> 1, 2
shoot ----------1
waescher1 ----------> 1,2,3
waescher2 ----------> 1,2,3
waescher3 ----------> 1,2,3
yamaha ------------1

A browser game. Don't ask  :-[
If  ;), :D, ;D, ::), :P, :-X, :o or >:D are attached, that paragraph may not be 100% serious. Seriously.
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
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Fangirl, Pokefreak, Grammar Roman, Movie Geek


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by mangaluva »


Absolutely EPIC video of DC meets OHSHC... the scene where Renge is making a movie with the Host club. It features Conan as Hunny, Heiji as Mori, Okiya as Kyoya, Saguru as Tamaki, Kaito and Shinichi as Hikaru and Kaoru, and Sonoko as Renge XDXDXDXDXD It's gold.
Something witty should go here.


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Umandsf »

I guess since I haven't seen Ouran, I'm lost, but I understand enough that the ending was very funny.

[My comment on the YouTube page of the above video.]
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Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by miakakiri »

*suprised* Ah! Kudou-kun...I'm sorry, I didn't even notice you! Ran-chan's not usually here this early with anyone but Conan-kun or Mouri-tantei... *looks a bit embaressed*
Ah, I'm only back for a little while...I have to leave this afternoon....
Unfortunately...*looking at Ran*
*smiles at him and blushes*
And..um...whatever breakfast special you have today.... *glancing back at Azusa*
*scribbles their order down on her pad* Comming right up!
*places her hand on the table, wanting to hold his*
*puts his hand on top of hers, glad of any excuse to just touch her, and smiles at her*

Er...more IRC-ness...rp stuffs.
I have finally started to actually publish my story! For the moment, expect a new chapter each month.

The Case of the Midnight Channel
"When a strange letter summons the Mouri family to Inaba, Ran is expecting a case. She's not expecting it to involve the TV, though.
If Naoto investigated everyone who came to visit Inaba, she'd have little time for real cases. When Yukiko reports that the Midnight Channel is back, however, she starts to wonder if the visitors are connected. Especially when the image clears, unveiling yet another mystery."

Short version: I'm taking various DC/MK characters to Inaba (where Persona 4 takes place) and dropping them through the TV to face their Shadows!
Cross-posted:Case of the Midnight Channel at Archive of our Own.
Something witty should go here.


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Umandsf »

Dang, looks like it's time to get a higher-capacity iPod. =\

[IRC; Wind Waker OST pushed music to 6GB on my 8GB iPod.]


Re: Ctrl+V Thread

Post by Azu »


LOL I forgot what this link leads to XD;
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