Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Forum reserved for discussing specific points of the story—mostly from the manga. Be warned, these discussions will be current with the manga and will spoil many plot lines for anime-centric fans.
Unlucky Devil


Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by Unlucky Devil »

Tantei San wrote:
April 6th, 2021, 7:01 am
In a Not so shocking Revelation by Aoyama Gosho given to 2021 Da Vinci Magazine April Issue
Gosho did Confirm that Wakita was Indeed Rum and that he planned way ahead of the current Arc to someday Introduce him in the series.
Following is the Summary of the RUM related content from the Magazine.
  • 1.) Wakita is indeed RUM.
    2.) He wants to reveal the mystery around Rumi step by step
    3.) He thought of the Camel flashback back when he drew it and decided that the person in it would be a member that ranks higher than Gin but didnt decide the codename RUM back then.
I'll paste the links to the Imgur and it's TL on Pastebin below. As there is a lot more content about the Series.

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Well, I guess we can finally put to rest all those theories of Rum being someone else from the three primary RUM suspects. I am a little disappointed by the way the reveal was conducted, but it does seem that the mystery surrounding Rumi is going to be the focus of this arc after all
Considering Chikara never was a serious suspect, of course, with the exception of a tiny fraction of the forum ;D ;D
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Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by Shinan-Kudogawa »

Unlucky Devil wrote:
April 6th, 2021, 5:13 pm
Tantei San wrote:
April 6th, 2021, 7:01 am
In a Not so shocking Revelation by Aoyama Gosho given to 2021 Da Vinci Magazine April Issue
Gosho did Confirm that Wakita was Indeed Rum and that he planned way ahead of the current Arc to someday Introduce him in the series.
Following is the Summary of the RUM related content from the Magazine.
  • 1.) Wakita is indeed RUM.
    2.) He wants to reveal the mystery around Rumi step by step
    3.) He thought of the Camel flashback back when he drew it and decided that the person in it would be a member that ranks higher than Gin but didnt decide the codename RUM back then.
I'll paste the links to the Imgur and it's TL on Pastebin below. As there is a lot more content about the Series.

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Well, I guess we can finally put to rest all those theories of Rum being someone else from the three primary RUM suspects. I am a little disappointed by the way the reveal was conducted, but it does seem that the mystery surrounding Rumi is going to be the focus of this arc after all
Considering Chikara never was a serious suspect, of course, with the exception of a tiny fraction of the forum ;D ;D
It's been a long time since being on the forum, glad to have new piece of info. Alas, finally we can put the mystery to rest, so Wakita is indeed Rum. Which heavily leads to, Asaka is Rumi who wants to shed light onto the whole Haneda Kouji mystery. Makes sense, being almost more powerful than Zero, it fits for a bodyguard of a valuable personna. If so, and I doubt Wakita=Rum=Tsutomo, you got to eliminate that Wakita/Rum is Tsutomo. It leaves us with Hyoe Kuroda = Tsutomo? . Or Muga Iori = Tsutomo. If he is indeed alive. Could it be that 17 years ago, he ordered his family to travel to Japan, then faking his death, he took on a new ID, to investigate BO and overlook the status on his family, as Kuroda, 7 years later, he goes into a coma following a BO related case. Then being asleep for 10 years, he returns to duty to continue investigating the BO as a NPA official and as a supervisor of Zero.
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Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by blackmoon »

Tantei San wrote:
April 6th, 2021, 7:01 am
In a Not so shocking Revelation by Aoyama Gosho given to 2021 Da Vinci Magazine April Issue
Gosho did Confirm that Wakita was Indeed Rum and that he planned way ahead of the current Arc to someday Introduce him in the series.
Following is the Summary of the RUM related content from the Magazine.
  • 1.) Wakita is indeed RUM.
    2.) He wants to reveal the mystery around Rumi step by step
    3.) He thought of the Camel flashback back when he drew it and decided that the person in it would be a member that ranks higher than Gin but didnt decide the codename RUM back then.
I'll paste the links to the Imgur and it's TL on Pastebin below. As there is a lot more content about the Series.

Code: Select all
Oh good to know thanks for sharing the info. So RUM's identity is now set in stone... yet RUMI's Identity is still a mystery AND Gosho plans to reveal it slooooww? ...... good....... i hope it actually turns out to be something more interesting than just a mere Amanda's bodyguard "Asaka?" If it were something more like an eternal rival or something similar is much better? Something like the story of this novel?
Wouldn't that be more funnnnnnnn? ;D
"one should stick with one's original plan" (初志貫徹 shoshi kantetsu) ;)


Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by hizami »

Mohamed Ebrahem wrote:
February 26th, 2021, 7:31 am

When I said that Elena is not Wakasa because of differences in face , age, hair color , intelligence in solving cases , strength and Elena is supposed to be dead . These differences should be mentioned at the beginning of our discussion, because if they are true and there is no falsehood or deception in them , so this will negate your theory .

Of course , these are not the only reasons that led me to confirm that Wakasa is not Elena , but there are others :

1- Obviously there is love affair between Kohji and Wakasa , I think if there is love between Elena and Kohji and she holds his favorite shogi piece so she remembers him only instead of remembering her dead husband Atsushi or her dead daughter Akemi , it will be a great betrayal from her , so I will accept your theory if you say another theory in which you assume that Kohji is Elena's second husband after Atsushi was dead alone in the fire where she managed to survive and let her husband die , or another theory you may assume that Atsushi has changed everything in his life to be Haneda Kohji just as Elena did to be Wakasa .

2- Why Wakasa's voice is different from Elena's ? I know you might find an explanation for this too , but I think if a person is not Kid or Vermouth , so this person can't change voice easily without assistive devices . Conan , Subaru , Yusaku , Yukiko and also RUM change their voices by a device , so how can Wakasa do it ?

3- If Wakasa is Elena , how did she know Carasuma is such a bad person and how did she discovered that he is still alive even though she joined Bo for one or two years , which means she was a low ranked member .

4- There are common traits of Yusaku and Yukiko found in their son Shinichi , Kogoro and Eri with Ran , as well as the scarlet family , so I don't think Haibara or Akemi would be this smart in solving cases if their mother was smart in solving it like Wakasa .

5- Elena is a good doctor who gave birth to a baby named Shiho , why would a wealthy like Amanda appoint Elena as a bodyguard for her while she could find millions of bodyguards who have suitable conditions so they can protect her all the time .

6- Asaka's hair was black at Kohji’s murder scene , so due to your theory i will assume that Elena dyed her hair black as a celebration of her new job as a bodyguard .

All I want to say to you is to keep in mind there is no problem that Wakasa is completely new character who did not appear before , while Elena may have actually died with her husband in the fire, but I respect your opinion and theory and I hope that Elena is alive as you think Somehow but I don't think she is Rumi .
0. Oh no, Wakasa Rumi, who is currently in disguise and under an alias, looks slightly different from Elena Miyano! Her possibly fake age is also different! But wait there's more - her name is Wakasa Rumi, not Elena Miyano, so they can't be the same person! /sarcasm

Stop assuming we know any information about Elena's strength and intelligence in solving cases. There is indeed a falsehood when you say that we know 100% that they are different from Rumi's.

And yes, Elena is supposed to be dead. Can't see how this negates a theory claiming that she faked her death.

1. There is no evidence of a love affair between Kohji and Wakasa. Rumi keeps the Shogi piece because it is somehow important to the organization (as evidenced by Wakita bringing it up).

2. Simply put, different voice actors (obviously not going to give them the same voice actor). Alternatively we have vocal variation, pitch variation, etc. She's not trying to mimic someone else's voice, just making her voice sound slightly different. There would also be an 18 year difference between past-Elena's voice and Wakasa-Elena's voice.

3. She knew her research was backed by the Carasuma Group who turned out to be a super bad organization, Kohji left the dying message CARASUMA, she knows the true purpose of APTX 4869, etc. etc. There are many ways for her to make the conclusion that "Carasuma" is associated with "a sly black conspirator".

4. Ah yes, the classic family pattern of Atsushi the biochemist, Elena the biochemist, Shiho the biochemist, and Akemi the ... banker robber. Elena has a 30 year advantage (if she is alive) and you are equating her intelligence to that of Haibara's.

5. Why would Amanda appoint only a singular bodyguard Wakasa Rumi? Was she that confident, but Rumi still failed her? This issue doesn't really seem specific to Elena being Wakasa.

6. Yes, I've already explained this. By my theory Elena Miyano's hair darkened during her time in the organization (either naturally or artificially). So her hair was dark black near the end of her time in the organization. Then her hair would of course be black at the time of Kohji's murder scene.

Your argument in trying to prove Wakasa is 100% not Elena hinges entirely on assumptions. I have admittedly made a few assumptions but my goal is only to show that there is a strong possibility for Wakasa to be Elena, not to definitively prove 100% that Wakasa is indeed Elena.

It would be much more convincing if you instead proposed an alternate theory as to who Wakasa Rumi is that better fits all the information we've been given and back it up with strong evidence. Then this argument can be more than a back-and-forth where you say "A is false because I believe B" and I say "Well A could still be true because B could be false", and then you say "Well that's false because I believe B", etc.


Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by Reader »

Thanks for the info. 'He wants to take it slow'? How slow is that going to be considering all these breaks? And ofcourse considering that there seems to be no twist in this arc, not the Rumi part for sure. Don't know how I feel about WakiRum being confirmed for good. Not gonna lie, I had a faint hope for a twist considering all the full fletched out theories out here. But alas. Let's hope this Rumi thing ties the overall arc nicely. Otherwise this WakiRum reveal looks too out of place, no matter how 'way ahead' gosho had planned for it.
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Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by DCUniverseAficionado »

Unlucky Devil wrote:
April 6th, 2021, 5:13 pm
Chikara never was a serious suspect, of course, with the exception of a tiny fraction of the forum ;D ;D
You called? 8-)

Yep, I carried that torch for some time. As time passed, it got dimmer and dimmer... and now it's been snuffed out.

While I'm still hoping he has involvement with the main plot, the possibility that he was a hidden 4th suspect was simply not to be. (still can't get that Agasa mug scene from Scarlet Epilogue (File 898/Episode 783) out of my head, though...)

Since I seriously held that theory for some time, and still thought it could happen even after time passing and new information coming out caused me to downgrade it from probability to unlikely possibility, the L is mine to take.

That aside, the old man becoming an important player seems a natural idea for Gosho to consider. And given how Akai-centric DC has been since Clash of Red and Black, I'd say it's working out at least fairly well.
“Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent. We would not dare to conceive the things which are really mere commonplaces of existence. If we could fly out of that window hand in hand, hover over this great city, gently remove the roofs, and and peep in at the queer things which are going on, the strange coincidences, the plannings, the cross-purposes, the wonderful chains of events, working through generations, and leading to the most outre results, it would make all fiction with its conventionalities and foreseen conclusions most stale and unprofitable.”
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Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by S.Vineyard »

Uff.. I didn't realize, that I haven't posted in the forum since 19. (Discord is imo. not that great for theorycrafting, since you can't really reread old stuff.)

The current X70s bracket might give us some nice juicy plot details again, which could lead to some plot threads finally to connect.


Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by Kor »

Reader wrote:
April 7th, 2021, 12:26 pm
Thanks for the info. 'He wants to take it slow'? How slow is that going to be considering all these breaks? And ofcourse considering that there seems to be no twist in this arc, not the Rumi part for sure.
My guess is we'll get a resolution around the 1100 area. dunno how long we can really go with Conan not knowing Rum's identity while we do.

As a side note, even with the interview, a bunch of people on baidu are still deadset on Rumi being Rum, which is honestly kind of sad, but whatever.
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Mohamed Ebrahem


Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by Mohamed Ebrahem »

hizami wrote:
April 7th, 2021, 12:14 pm
But wait there's more - her name is Wakasa Rumi, not Elena Miyano, so they can't be the same person! /sarcasm

Trust me I didn't want to kill this joke or your theory but Gosho did it in file 1070 .

I told you that Wakasa might be a new character from Haibara family who hadn't appeared before . Wakasa is not Elena, not Akemi, not Elena's sister, not Vermouth, nor Amanda .


Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by Absenta »

Honestly, if Gosho confirmed Wakita to be Rum, what a disappointment, I´m a big fan of DC but I´m tired that the plot is so stuck and not really going to nowhere, tired to see that characters are so expected and don´t bring surprises, it´s ridiculous.

See you in a year guys, when the plot has advanced just one little step more.
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Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by HatiMMOS »

Absenta wrote:
April 11th, 2021, 4:54 am
See you in a year guys, when the plot has advanced just one little step more.
it seems that the plot is advancing pretty fast now. See ya.

Well, I'm curious to know what do you all think about the reason why Rum is using the Wakita disguise :

1- Rum is investigating Kogoro
2- Rum is investigating Conan
3- Rum is investigating Amuro
4- None of the above + Add yours

Personally, I choose the third option. Rum is doubting Amuro's loyalty especially after him starting to hang out with Kogoro. Wakita asking Conan about the shogi piece is just an attempt from him to know if Amuro and Kogoro were talking about something BO related, most likely the Haneda Kohji case. Amuro will have hard times in the future events, and I can see why.

Comparing the newer interviews with what I said before:

- From the 2021 Da Vinci Magazine interview :
HatiMMOS wrote:
March 1st, 2021, 5:27 am
2) Aoyama talked about adding a new BO member with the codename “Rum” in an interview in September of 2007 (Urusei Yatsura interview volume 21):
” … Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Sherry, Vermouth … Their names are all alcohol, and the only one name left, which sounds cool for a name is [Rum]… But this name is carved in hearts of all Japan, no ... whole world’s manga fans… and this character who has that name…, I, for all, too… I can’t use it! I’ll never use it !!” (He was speaking about Lum. Translated by: Yunniechan).
I like to think that he already had an idea about Rum’s character design in mind, he was hesitating only about choosing his codename.
Tantei San wrote:
April 6th, 2021, 7:01 am
3.) He thought of the Camel flashback back when he drew it and decided that the person in it would be a member that ranks higher than Gin but didnt decide the codename RUM back then.[/list]
Sasuga Gosho san... Master Oogway was right all along.
But the way he talked about thinking about what to do with that higher-up after years feels like it is implicitly rejecting my Rum chan theory, but we still can't be sure of that yet. Actually, the way he said it gives off that he was intending to have more BO members in the future, but he then just felt like it is too much for him and he chose the short "second in command" road. I'm thinking that the old man whom I talked about in that theory and the old man from the warehouse were meant to be two different living BO members so he had to avoid the inconsistencies using the " Rum changed his face and chose a silly name".

HatiMMOS wrote:
March 1st, 2021, 5:27 am
Volume 57 that contained Rum’s first appearance in the warehouse was released in Japan in July of 2007, volume 56 was in January, the eleventh movie was in April of the same year, adding more credibility to both the Rum chan and Rumi the pirate theories.
Gosho: "It was during ‘The Darkest Nightmare’ that I came up with the idea that Matsuda and Amuro were classmates"
So He does impliment ideas that comes to his mind while working on movies in the manga.

- From SDB Justice + :
HatiMMOS wrote:
March 1st, 2021, 5:27 am
1) I said before that the case from chapter 460-462 had some similarities with the FBI murder case and Rum’s arc, and how Aoyama-sensei could have gotten inspiration from old cases , like he potentially did with the “hu” and “fu” thing from chapter 183.

-The water currents clue.
-Conan and Agasa explaining why fishermen should not be impatient.
-The culprit’s name was “Kanetani”

The victim of this case didn’t die and re-appeared in a continuation case, chapter 664-666, which had:

-the first character ever in the manga to wear an eyepatch like the one Wakita has.
-the pannel of Akai on the boat
Q12: Superintendent Kuroda went camping by himself, but he had a lot of equipment, does he have an outdoor hobby? In what way does he spend time on his days off?
A: He might unexpectedly like fishing. He looks like he likes waiting.

It goes in the same way and adds more credibility to the Wakasa the Shark theory.
That's it. So far so good.
Btw, I don't know if it was also in the older chapters but the way Conan is holding his glasses in chapter 1042,1062 and 1071's cover pages may be a hint to something...
And finally, a big thanks to Mycroft, Holmes, NB and Manaphy for the translation 8-)
Edogawa "The Cone" Conan
Thanks @bleu_calire
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Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by Anton-9 »

I think it is a good time to renew this thread again.
Anyways it seems Iori Muga is working with Kuroda behind the scenes and Kuroda, Amuro and Iori are the integral parts of the plan to catch Rum.


Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by Reader »

Anton-9 wrote:
March 17th, 2022, 3:07 am
I think it is a good time to renew this thread again.
Yes, about time. :D
Anton-9 wrote:
March 17th, 2022, 3:07 am
Kuroda, Amuro and Iori are the integral parts of the plan to catch Rum.
It's still too early to say about the extent of Iori's involvement in the plan. We don't even know if he is a current PSB member or acting on his own accord, for personal reasons. Personally, I would like the latter story line.
All in all, it is refreshing to have a new lead in the story. Cheers. :D
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Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by Anton-9 »

Well to be honest, the way Kuroda revealed details about Amuro to Iori and the way Iori appraised Amuro it seems they are pretty much on it. At least Kuroda and Iori.

Amuro met Wada Shinichi at the cafe Poirot. Kuroda possibly got the report from Takagi about a mysterious man named Wada Shinichi appearing and then disappearing from the scene. Possibly Amuro too informed it to Kuroda.

Imo Wada Shinichi might be a code that Iori used to identify himself to Kuroda. Plus the way in which Iori appraised Amuro it seemed that he knows a lot about Amuro's past emotional baggage.

;D cheers man.

Also your original Kuroda is the new suspicious man in the car take is very interesting.
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Re: Rum Arc Discussion Thread (Plot + Characters)

Post by MeiTanteixX »

Now that movie 26 theme has been leaked...
M26 teaser having Gin's voice saying "I wanted to meet you Sherry"
We can expect a lot of great movie-promo cases for the main plot.
DC's Awesome Qoutes:
Bourbon:''A child's curiosity and a detective's spirit of inquiry do have much in common''
Vermouth:''A secret makes a woman, woman''
Image Image
Mary/Gin:''It's like encountering a demon in the darkness...''
Akai Shuichi:''Fear of death is worse than death itself''
Shinichi Kudo:''following the smell of blood to arrive upon a crime scene, using every one of your senses to hunt the culprit, then once you've seized hold of him, sinking your sharp teeth(your evidence) until your opponent gives up the ghost, That's a detective''
Youtube: ... hWaNIRUu0Q
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