Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Episode 993: Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part One)

-Well these intros are a good way to figure out what year these episodes come out when I take my time getting to them. So we're on the 2021 episodes now. Good to know. Also good to see they started on a manga case (...I assume) for the year.

-I kinda love this stupid Avengers knock-off.

-"Azengers" "Amazing the world!!" This is wonderful

-"We want to increase our Japanese audience" Well, they are specifically trying get the audience from an Asian country, so you're close. :V

-I wish Makoto was just 993 - 0 instead, for no reason other than to randomly match the episode number.

-"This isn't a manga" Well this is obviously a joke said in the manga that should've said "anime" in the anime instead.


-Oh so since Makoto showed up like in the Opening, maybe some cool Takagi and Sato stuff is coming! I hope so...

-"I know a bit of karate" is a pretty significant understatement

-That's a bit of a leap. "Oh this guy's also handsome, guess I'll kill your character now!"

-Ran could not contribute less to a conversation by saying people are talking about a show for all kinds of reasons...and then not going in to what those reasons even are.

-It is funny that the guy is assuming the much richer person is a gold digger. Idiot.

-A lot of the couples in this show aren't close enough after so many god damn years, so Sonoko just holding onto his arm as she drags him out of this situations is cute in a way the show kinda should be at this point. Honestly speaking of which, even though they've not done much Shinran (...or manga chapter based episodes, to be fair) since, the fact that ShinRan is finally definitively canon is still so much better than before. I don't need to see much of the before part of the relationship stories in this show anymore, especially since that part mostly stopped being fun like a decade ago.

-Well time to catch a dead body on film

-The bleeding soap is a bit of a wild and disturbing thing to do.

-I dunno why but I thought for a split second he was putting that sheet over the phone like it was a dead body. "Rest in peace, phone ;__; "

-I'm glad the characters are as concerned, confused and mildly horrified by the sudden laughing as I was

-Oh a rock song ED! Not the best one the series has had by any stretch, but its decent.

Number of songs from 2007 soundtrack: 4
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Episode 994: Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Two)

-Man laughs at Shadowman

-It's a shame for the eternal...let's be honest here and say also completely pointless, black blood censorship. Because otherwise, that shot of all the blood on the head for the outline would be brutal looking.

-To emphasize something I said before, isn't it just nice that they aren't doing "He's not my b-boyfriend!" nonsense? Isn't that just immediately better? That being said, "my boyfriend? You mean Shinichi?" ...unless there's something you're not telling us, yes Ran, that boyfriend.

-Ok, it is really funny that this sudden turn immediately is ruined by Ran being like "no, I've seen them both together".

-That part of the story aired in Japan when I was literally a child.

-I watched the latest Higurashi season recently so hearing Chafurin get this annoyed at a case not going his way like this is more uncomfortable than it would be otherwise.

-Considering a recent case, be thankful hitting your head wasn't fatal.

-I understand death is common around here, but even still, this is maybe a little too casual considering how someone just died.

-Well a poison is obviously happening soon

-I wonder if the people in the ambulance were like "WE JUST DROPPED A BODY OFF!"

-Random officer is surprised his fun toy was taken from him

-Four suspects? In my Conan?

-That's an actual, worthwhile cliffhanger.

Number of songs from 2007 soundtrack: 4
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by DCUniverseAficionado »

kkslider5552000 wrote:
October 18th, 2021, 11:45 pm
-I watched the latest Higurashi season recently so hearing Chafurin get this annoyed at a case not going his way like this is more uncomfortable than it would be otherwise.
I know, right? :(
When I first watched Higurashi, I suddenly heard his voice, and went, "Ah, of course..." Really nice surprise to find references/shout-outs like that.
kkslider5552000 wrote:
October 18th, 2021, 11:45 pm
let's be honest here and say also completely pointless, black blood censorship. Because otherwise, that shot of all the blood on the head for the outline would be brutal looking.
In some ways, it's actually more disturbing with that color. And of course, showing the brutality at all undercuts the censorship attempt.
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Episode 995: Kyogoku Makoto the Understudy (Part Three)

-Sera, stop breathing down this child's neck

-One of the things I realized after a while is that Conan is way, way more compelling when he isn't his usual confident self. Whenever he feels like he's in trouble in any way, he's usually instantly more interesting to me. That being said, how is he this bad at lying after all this time?

-Ok, its been a long time. I have no idea if they ever properly connected that London case to the plot like this. This seems to and I'm pretty certain Conan said that in London so was Sera's mom there and she heard it? I don't know what I'm supposed to already know or not!

-Man, Conan really wants NO ONE to know about Haibara, does he?

-Conan is hopeless lol

-These girls should be wondering what Sera is even on about with these questions. This is very weird and suspicious.

-Sera does not especially remind me of Haibara but ok

-Uh there was a murder mystery here, right?

-"It's the cap!" The murderer was Capcom, I knew it! Of course they would be Shadowman, they created Shadowman!

-Using unwitting Makoto to protect his secret identity



-I almost want to give the next episode a chance, just because of Kogoro talking to a hawk who apparently is hiding his crimes. I bet it will be a disappointment, but I want to believe its as good as I just made it sound.

Well that became pretty plot heavy. I'm used to that, because I guess when Gosho started reducing his schedule, he decided to have more stuff happen per case, but its still weird after so many years of each case often having so much less happen. Like the Haibara family past with the pharmaceutical company at least seemingly has nothing to do with anything else here, yet they brought that into play as well. Even if its overdone, I always love Conan trying to get past someone's suspicion of his true identity. Always fun to see Conan have to react to someone else's intelligence instead of being above it all. Case itself was pretty good, but it definitely felt like it was overshadowed, particularly in this episode. Only thing is...everyone was way too chill about things as they went down. These movie people are weird.

Number of songs from 2007 soundtrack: 7
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by sayanyoo »

is the site unavailable,when it be available
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by Spimer »

No need to post the same message in two threads.

The answer is: yes, DCW Wiki and DCW are unavailable right now. As for when they'll be back online, we don't know.
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by sayanyoo »

Spimer wrote:
November 8th, 2021, 5:20 am
No need to post the same message in two threads.

The answer is: yes, DCW Wiki and DCW are unavailable right now. As for when they'll be back online, we don't know.
will it sure be fixed,who know when it be back
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Episode 1000: The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part One)

-Episode 1000. I can't even believe it. Back in the day, I was almost certain this series would've ended before the 2020s. Yet here we are...for better or worse.

-While I have my concerns, outside of doing a special on the level of Episode One from a few years, this is the best idea for 1000th episode. I think its widely agreed upon that this is THE Conan case. And while I didn't get it at first, when I watched the original a 2nd time (all the way back to episode 11!), yeah it probably deserves that. There's cases I love more, even ignoring the best plot-centric stories (Night Baron ftw), but this was the first case that the anime got to take its time with and it stands out so much because of that. Not to mention it has possibly my favorite ending to any case in the series.

-Have they done the "normal scene replacing the OP visuals for the OP?" in the past...I dunno decade? I feel like its been a very long time so I guess we're really pulling a throwback, if in a weird, subtle way.

-I wonder if they brought back any of the seiyuu from the original case?

-Man, I forget how horrific the start of this is. Most cases nowadays start with "person we knew died, but was it actually an accident?!" or something. This is like "TERRIFYING **** HAPPENED, WHY DID YOU RECEIVE A LETTER FROM THE DEAD?!"

-Regardless of how this one goes, I'm probably gonna rewatch the original at some point.

-That moment when they subbed all the posters but you lose track of where the actual subbed dialogue is :V

-Wow they even had Conan play the same song as before

-That being said SHOW HIS DEAD BODY WITH HIS EYES OPEN YOU COWARDS. That's not nearly as scary with his eyes shut

-It's so weird to go back to Kogoro not being known btw

-"Which means it's possible that the culprit will return to retrieve this" and then look who immediately shows up. Ha, clever.

-I mean, he's not called Sleeping Kogoro for nothing

Number of songs from 2007 soundtrack: 1 (its fine, half the music was the proper public domain songs for the story)
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Episode 1001: The Moonlight Sonata Murder (Part Two)

-No recap? I guess because Moonlight Sonata was a 1 hour special so a recap might kill the recreated pacing?

-Y'know, I just thought of this. This is also the 25th anniversary of this case airing. I just checked and its only a month off too.

-It says something that this bumbling cop is a minor character in this one, singular case, and he's still memorable.

-On one hand, I hate the steps to make these deaths look less horrific, on the other hand, being so in the dark like that is still a creepy image despite itself.

-Not playing up Kogoro hitting Conan as a joke in any way honestly makes it funnier, in an ironic, dark sort of way. Just casual child violence, BUT NO BLOOD IF ITS ACTUALLY THE COLOR OF BLOOD, WE ARE A POLITE SOCIETY > : (

-Kogoro is really out this time. No posing necessary

-Megure's "huh?" is pretty great

-Do people even know what a cassette is nowadays? I feel like Conan's perpetual modern setting has backfired

-I will say, the image of Aso Keiji burning alive is fantastic

This is a hard one to talk about because the case is what it is. It's generally the same thing, and it is great as it has been in two different versions already. But the differences are what makes this interesting. The reality is, this had almost no chance to be as good as the original anime episode. The modern Conan anime has inherent aesthetic problems in terms of being a truly effective murder mystery series, and that's made the most clear when looking at an earlier, harsher case in the series. Not to mention a highlight of the series. As I've said for a very long time, the newer art direction for anything outside of some darker/night time scenes takes away some of the atmosphere that made early Conan in particular work so well. And the mixed quality later soundtrack songs don't exactly help. That and the bits of restrictions in what they can show ultimately take away from what the anime had already done successfully.

But all that being said, they did the best you could reasonably expect. This didn't come across as like just another Conan episode, its clear they knew this was special and wanted to get this right. With what they had, they did a fairly good job of adapting this case in the newer style of the series, sometimes even a great job. Which is all I could reasonably ask for. And because of how inherently good the case is, these are still some of the better Conan episodes I've seen in some time. If I'm upset at anything, its how rarely the cases nowadays live up to even an average case from the early years of the series.

I was worried they were gonna just ruin the final scenes of this episode, but they thankfully didn't, despite it being obviously worse. In the original episode, Conan giving up on Seiji and watching the place burn as the piano plays, Ran holding his shoulder, is maybe my favorite shot in the entire series. It is burned into my memory like few other images in anime ever have been. So it doesn't bother me that it isn't as good, because it obviously was never going to be. It just had not actively annoy me.

Number of songs from 2007 soundtrack: 3 (just want to note, none of these 3 songs originated from the original OST that was used for the original episode of this case. Which is...interesting)
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Episode 1002: The Beika City Shopping Center Garbage Bin Mystery

-Ok, I wasn't gonna do this episode. I was gonna watch it on my own instead of bothering with a post for it, but then the first Conan character I saw, for a split second, made it so I had no choice. So with that said...*ahem*...


-I can't imagine they need to know more about their local community. I'm pretty sure Conan's been in 1/2 of all the buildings in Beika

-That being said, the implication that children have to clean up the streets for the Olympics is funny in a not remotely intended way

-Also, there's really few things as pointlessly bad you can do as litter. Just find a trash can or something you lazy ***hole!

-btw: Has Kobayashi shown up since that one manga case that happened in school like 3 years ago? And is that Shiratori romance still a thing?

-This is like the 2nd time ever that Haibara's relation with the Black Organization is gonna be relevant to a one part episode. I remember because the other time ended with the dramatic reveal that Gin is...left handed! (DUN DUN DUN)

-I wonder if anyone ever considered making Detective Conan Pro Skater? (I wanna say there's a skateboarding Conan game that exists, but I doubt its a legit pro skater style game)

-This Opening is silly, as expected. Avoid the lightning!

-Ok the Step By Step reference in the Opening is pretty great. That's a neat touch

-Wait is this song literally congrats for 1000 episodes?

-"World Sports Games" is my favorite legally distinct sporting event! *looks it up* Well World Sports Games exists, but I still think this has to be their way to write the Olympics for a movie without saying Olympics.

-Haibara: Cat? Where is cat?!

-Okayu Subaru's reaction to littering and them running off is great and should continue

-Kogoro here like "I'm a massively successful detective, what am I doing here?"

-No one was in that ally, Sera's just losing it

-I wish one day Haibara and/or Conan would just walk everywhere with that goofy "haha what are we doing?" look, and just never change it at all. It'd be so ridiculous and it'd make me laugh, which is the important thing.

-I know taking a picture of your food is a thing for some reason, but with a regular camera is a new one for me

-Okiya's war with littering shall begin, after this commercial break

-Whatever Ran was thinking of, I don't get it. That one might've been a bit lost in translation.

-"But that's a story for another time" A story you've already told. But wouldn't it have been amazing if this was the reveal after all this time? Just casually say it after like 12 years.

-Random transition, ok

-I mean, of course it was the cat. That seems obvious now.

-I guess that barely a subplot was relevant all along

That was indeed another vaguely connected episode to the new movie. I mean, its generally always fun to see some of these characters around when they actually are, but its such a nothing story on its own that its hard for me to feel anything about it.

Number of songs from 2007 soundtrack: 3
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by CrimsonGenius »

Did anyone notice that OP 23 is actually an early adaptation of Fugitive Mouri Kogoro?
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by kkslider5552000 »

CrimsonGenius wrote:
November 28th, 2021, 9:31 am
Did anyone notice that OP 23 is actually an early adaptation of Fugitive Mouri Kogoro?
Yes. I assumed they would've done an actual adaptation by now but AFAIK they haven't.

Episode 1003: The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part One)

-Hello sushi chef, I almost forgot you existed.

-"Why are the four of us going on a trip again?" ...that's a good question

-Wakita, thank you Ran

-Plot twist, he has the sharingan!

-Oh no, a modern case with actual atmosphere fitting for a murder mystery series! Whatever shall I do?!

-I'm so worried they're gonna turn on a lot of lights and just ruin this. This is already so much better, to the point that I'm seriously questioning why the series doesn't look like this all the time.

-It is interesting that almost immediately falling the Moonlight Sonata remake, its another letter from an already dead person that summons Kogoro to a location away from most of society

-This is an impressive amount of work to get this done, even compared to a lot of cases

-9 pieces. HMMMMMMM

-He got shot! With an arrow!

Number of songs from 2007 soundtrack: 3
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Episode 1004: The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Two)

-I can't be the only one who immediately thinks of DBZ when the words "Cell" and "Perfect" are together, right?

-The reveal is that Komei...saw him in a restaurant once! : o

-I just want to stress again that the atmosphere of this episode alone makes it one of the best in a while.

-It's pretty obvious the code is the key to how this actually wasn't a random lot after all. It'd be a real surprise if that wasn't what was happening here.

-If someone dies, Mr. Mint Decider here is the murderer. Though that might be too obvious to be true.

-Y'know, it looks cool when you very slowly turn your head like that in anime. But if you did that in reality, it'd probably seem really weird.

-Man, imagine someone hiding a 2nd phone? Isn't that right, Conan? ; )

-A lot of focus on the eyepatch, eh? Is it the sharingan underneath it?!

-Y'know, I thought Komei might get involved in the plot. It just took...11 years.

Number of songs from 2007 soundtrack: 5
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by k11chi »

Watched DC with my sis for like 7 hours straight.. amazing series. Movie 24 was alright, Mary's action scene was epic as were Shukichi and Yumi moments.
Rewatched Episode ONE and also scarlet school trip case back to back as well. Damn. Now I need to rewatch Crimson Love Letter too at some point.
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Re: Detective Conan Anime Discussion Thread

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Episode 1005: The 36-Cell Perfect Game (Part Three)

-Well he's running towards his death

-"Perhaps the number nine has some significance" If there are nine doors in that place and is its been nine hours, then I'd say yes

-"What else is related to the number nine?"
(I hate that I know this)

-Well that's a twist, the guy who everyone was suspicious of, is the culprit? I mean if so, he at least had a clever idea here

-Have to admit, this is particularly well thought out. Shame he was too obvious

-"He said he couldn't make me happy with his body like it was" ...oh. For a second I read that WAY differently than they intended.

That was a pretty cool case (...pun not intended). As I said before, atmosphere was significantly better than its been in ages. This is more what I want from my cases. I like how everyone got to showcase their detective skills a bit. Despite baseball making this case feel a bit sillier than it should, it did come across as a solid story across the board that used its one off characters pretty well. It was creative, had a bold plan behind the murder and even the code was kinda cool (even if Japanese codes are always a huge barrier for anyone not knowledgeable of the language). It just worked really well across the board.

Number of songs from 2007 soundtrack: 7
Let's Play Bioshock Infinite: ... 94#p879594


3DS friend code: 2878 - 9709 - 5054
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