Mafia: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day (Note 1st post)

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*punches Xpon*


Mafia: Round 22 - Tales of Terror (Lovers Win!)

Post by CTU »

Jd- SAYS: After some discussion, this round of Mafia has ended. The lovers win.

PhoenixTears and hopelessidiot looked into this round and have told me that its result is already determined and requested that we end it already. Abs. has confirmed the result as well. CTU is still completely MIA. We have no idea when he'll return.

Here is PhoenixTears's explanation of the situation:

PhoenixTears wrote:
Remaining Roles:

Conia (Akemi) - lovers with Yurikochan
Yurikochan (Kid-Kobayashi) - lovers with Conia
mystery_angel801 (Chianti) - lovers with breva
breva (Takagi) - lovers with mystery_angel801

Commi-Ninja (Heiji)
Akonyl (Kazuha)
Paix672 (Jodie)
Parkur (Eri)


The lovers are allied together, know all the town roles, have two APTXes remaining, and were told by CTU that they could win together as long as everyone else is dead. So, the game is 4 vs. 4 at this point.

They kill during the night with no way of being stopped, bringing it to 4 vs. 3.

Even if the game continued after this, the lovers would poison two during the day and lynch the remainder. Kazuha's charm has already been used, so there's nothing to stop the poison. Eri could stop the lynching (if she's the one being lynched, since otherwise she would've been killed at night or would be poisoned and her action wouldn't go through), but it would still end that phase at 4 vs. 1.

The game is over; no way around it.

By reading this you are legally bound to not get upset about this following notice
Spoiler: notice
Mafia will be put on hole after Day 5 because I will be out of town. The round lasted longer then I thought and my plans have changed so my trip is happening sooner rather then later(I am leaving Thursday) As a Renault I will not be able to be here Thursday and possibly friday, but I am getting a laptop wile I am gone. So I will be able to continue GM'ing wile I am away from home, but not the first 2 nights.
First post is slowly being updated striking out the people who are dead. So if it is not done yet then blame minecraft

Prep Phase will start Thursday ... c=0&p1=867

Night 1 ... c=0&p1=867

Day 1 ... c=0&p1=867

Rules will follow the last round, but might have a few changes

GM: CTU (Me)

01: Detective Tommy Day 1
02: miikosan
03: PhoenixTears
04: CaseClosed101 Day 5
05: miakakiri Day 3
06: Meme
07: Conia
08: Yurikochan
09: Commi-Ninja
10: Pofa
11: Akonyl
12: bluekaitou1412
13: Abs. Night 1
14: ARangerB2 Night 3
15: hopelessidiot
16: KainTheVampire Day 2
17: Schillok Day 3
18: Tanner-kun Day 5
19: Mystery_angel801
20: Cheesus
21: shihokudo
22: Paix672
23: Xpon
24: Kleene Onigiri Night 3
25: asteriskknight
26: breva
27: blurfbreg
28: Parkur
29: Sebolains
30: Kirbypepe


General rules
- If you play in this game with more than one username, both usernames will be banned from this and all future Mafia games.  Since it is also against forum rules to have multiple accounts, at least one of the accounts will also be deleted.
- Don't ask the GM for information about other players' roles or try to influence moderator tasks (e.g. ask them to not give certain hints).  It is frowned upon.
- You may not copy/quote/screenshot etc. the PM from the GM to prove your role to someone else. But you can claim to be a role, whether it's your real role or not.
- You can PM people and post without restrictions (except the GM stuff, see above) when you are alive. If you choose to talk while dead (PM or otherwise), you must be careful that you don’t give anything away, whether it’s your suspicions, results of actions, deductions, etc.  Don't ruin the spirit of the game.  When in doubt, refrain.
- You may fake/quote/edit other players PM, just not the GM ones. However, the posting or PMing of other players’ PMs via screenshots are prohibited.
- If your PM confuses the GM, the GM will smash it into a billion pieces.
- You may talk as a Ghost, but not about game related information. Also, every player is asked to not go off-topic too much.
- People not participating in the game can also talk, but anything that could be a hint or something the reader noticed should not be posted or Pmed to the people playing.
- In case a Ghost talked about something important related to the game (what he did when he was dead, who he talked to, what hint he figured out etc., even if it's wrong/ a lie), the GM will punish accordingly. It can be just a warning or be a punishment in the form of randomly killing/arresting someone on the same side, or giving out hints to help the other side or even ban the player from the next game. The GM has the freedom to act accordingly.
- You have to PM the GM directly to vote/use your ability. Posting in the thread doesn't count. Multi-recipient PMs don’t count.
- If Vermouth and KID are in the same game and choose the same person to disguise as, they will both disguise as the same role and the targeted individual will get a new role.
- DB's (Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko), Friends (Sonoko + Best Friend), and Lovers will not overlap.
- If you're inactive for too long ( 7+ phases) without telling the GM that you're gone or that you'll give the power over your role to someone else temporary, you'll get arrested.
General Definitions
Order of Actions
- You can always send in a new order, which will replace the old one.
- If multiple incompatible actions are submitted by a player, the last one before time is up is the one that will go through.
- The BO and the DBs have a rank system for giving orders.

Arrest > House Search > Protection charm > APTX > Lynching > Discombobulating > Killing > All other actions
Example 1a:
Akonyl) Arrest Abs. for killing Kleene on Night 1.  Investigate if pofa slandered conia.
Abs.) Kill Akonyl.
Result: Akonyl arrests Abs.  Abs. does not get to kill Akonyl.  Akonyl investigates if pofa slandered conia.
Example 1b:
Akonyl) Investigate if pofa slandered conia.
Abs.) Kill Akonyl.
Result: Abs. kills Akonyl.  Akonyl does not get investigation results.
Example 2: (Day 3)
Beastly) APTX pofa = Satou.
pofa) Arrest Beastly for killing Laurell on Night 2.
Result: pofa arrests Beastly.  Beastly does not get to use APTX on pofa.  APTX is confiscated. (See APTX under Day actions)

Voice of Reason > Bone Breaker > Watch protection > Protect > Heal > First Aid
- In case more than one protection/healing-type action is done on the target that is killed, the one with the highest priotity will succeed, while the others will "fail" (they won't happen).
- In case the highest priority action was hindered, for example with discombobulating, the next protection/healing-type action will succeed etc.
- Sniping: Sniping bypasses every healing and First Aid. When someone is protected, the protected will survive, but the protector himself dies instead. Someone with the watch will survive a sniper, but the watch will be destroyed.
- A protection/healing ability will just prevent the killing, in case the protected player is targeted. So, in case a protector (Ran, Makoto), protects someone from a sniper with the watch, Ran/Makoto will still die and the watch won't save them.
- Any action that was done by someone who was successfully First Aided will fail, because that player became injured.

- Everyone can vote during the Day Phase, whether you're Townsfolk or a BO member.
- Exceptions:
a) You're dead
b) You're not in Japan
c) You're arrested
d) You were hindered by an ability (e.g. Tequila).
- Each player’s vote is made public at the end of the Day phase, unless Voice of Reason or Protect is applicable.
- If the player was APTXed or arrested, then his/her vote won't count

- When someone was killed,lynched or arrested, his action won't go through and fail. Only exception are arrest and APTX.
- In case Kazuha was succesfully APTXed and accompanied someone that was about to be lynched because of 1 vote difference, the reduction of that 1 vote fails and he/she will be lynched.

If a House Search finds a crime, the target is automatically arrested.  This Auto-Arrest is a freebie in conjunction with the House Search.  If the House Search does not happen, the Auto-Arrest does not happen. An Auto-Arrest will not automatically happen in case a crime is discovered by an investigate action, even if the one investigating is a police officer.

Hints, Riddles, Will, Tape/Video tape, Dreams
- There can be various hints/riddles given out by the GM. This can contain true and false hints. It can be about lovers in the game or who was the murderer etc. There can be hints with the PMing of actions too. The players could also recive a dream or hint from the GM, which could contain true or false facts. All hints could be right or all could be false or there can be a mix of false and right hint with just one drean, riddle, phase change post etc.
- Every player can PM a "Will" to the GM. It can be a letter, a tape or just an item that you'll drop. This Will will be shown in case you're killed.
- You can also tell the GM the way you want to die in the case that you are lynched (in case you prefer to burn instead of being hanged etc.)
- The BO can leave a tape/video or item after each murder. A tape could also be from the GM and not the BO. Thus it can have true clues or false clues..
- The GM has the last decision. In case a will, tape, or method of death is giving out too much info, then it can be changed by the GM accordingly.
- A Will will get lost if the body is removed by Piscos ability. Pisco will receive the Will then.

- Killing (normal, sniping or using APTX)
- Blaming
- Disguising
- Slandering
- Spying
- Bribing
- Discombobulating
- Abducting
- Erasing
- Frightening
- Steal
- Black Suitcase actions are not crimes (even discombobulating etc.).
- Being in the BO is not a crime. So you can't arrest Conia for being Gin.

All players - except the travelers Hakuba and Maktoto - start the game "alive" (normal). However, their condition might worsen during the course of the game...

Alive: An alive player may use any of his/her abilities according to the rules. They can talk freely and participate in the lynch-voting.
Abroad: This player is out of the country until he/she returns to japan. Any actions used on him will fail. He/she can't be killed. Such players can talk freely, but not participate in lynch-voting or use any ability themselves.
Injured: An injured player can not use any abilities and loose any of their passive abilities like for example a disguise. The only exception is the nightly killing action from BO members (though, they will loose any advantages they normally have like erasing the body or sniping) and Revenge. Injured players can still talk freely and participate in the lynch voting.
Temporary Injured: Police who try to arrest a Sniper will get temporary Injured for 2 phase after the arrest attempt. When being temporary injured, the police will lose all Ability except for Voting on day lynching.
Suspended: Police who try to arrest someone for a false charge will get suspended for 2 phase after the arrest attempt. When being a suspended, the police will lose all Ability except for Voting on day lynching.
Arrested: An arrested player can't use any abilities, but at the same time they also can't be killed. Any actions, except for "lawsuit" on them will fail. They can talk freely, but not participate in the lynch voting. Arrested players are considered "out-of-the-game" to determine if a side had won. The arrested players role will (normally) not be revealed upon the arrest.
Dead: That player was killed during the game. They can no longer participate in this round, however they will still win the game together with their side. Dead players may not give any information concerning the game to others or influence the game in any other way.

Black Organization
The BO has a Leader. It's Anokata. The Leader has the ultimate right to choose a Night kill target and will give the order. No one can overwrite the Leaders order. Other players can also give out orders, in case the Leader does not. The priority of the orders will be decided by the BO ranking.  But the Leader can overwrite that order if he or she returns.
If the Leader orders a Lover to kill the other Lover, it will happen (unless either the Lover was discombobulated, or Vodka was the Lover and discombobulated the Leader), and the killing Lover will suicide if the kill was successful.
The Leader can't command someone else to use APTX.  The Leader may only put in his/her own APTX order.  The exception is if the BO member PMs the GM giving such permission (only lasts for that Day.)
If Anokata is not present in a game (or was killed) the BO will choose a Leader. They can either go for the ranking according to the role list (Anokata, Gin, Vermouth, Bourbon ...) or they vote for their own ranking. So each player PMs the GM with a ranking.
conia) Akonyl (Vodka), conia (Korn), pofa (Gin)
Akonyl) Conia (Korn), Akonyl (Vodka), pofa (Gin)
pofa) pofa (Gin), conia (Korn), Akonyl (Vodka)
Then the ranking would be: conia(Korn), Akonyl (Vodka), pofa(Gin). So conia would be the new Leader. In case conia dies then Akonyl will become the new leader etc.
If the leader is arrested, the leader may designate the new ranking by PMing the GM during the phase in which the arrest is made known.
Otherwise the GM will randomly choose a ranking.
The leader ranking has nothing to do with the APTX ranking! In case there are not enough APTX, then the ranking of the listed BO roles will be used.

Each mafia member must commit a successful murder before any mafia member gets a second turn to kill.
Every member can use the APTX4869 during day phase.
BO can kill BO if they so wish.
The mafia is allowed to and is expected to consult with each other on who to kill during the night and who to lynch during the day.  You may all vote to lynch different players if you wish.
Kill: Kill / Attack / Murder/Bomb
Investigate : Investigation / Special Investigation
Observe : Observation / Stake-Out
Protect : Protection / Lovey-Dovey / Bone Breaking
Heal : Healing / First Aid
Discombobulate : Discombobulate
Steal : Stealing
Deduction: Spy/Deduction
Interrogate: Interrogate/Cross-examination
Poison: Poisoning
Pinch Face: Face-pinching
Give Gem: Give Gem
Changes to the rules:
Personal Objectives are back, but only certain people will get them
Actions can be taken to people arrested.
Everybody playing should have there online status hidden (FYI)
Yumi can and may be a NPC controled by me. IF that happens Yumi will only be used in the prep phase to pick the lovers.
Detention: Can not be used on the same person twice in a row
If someone get's released from jail by Eri, then all his crimes will be erased (even blamed ones).  Disguised roles will get a new randomly picked disguise.
Spy is not a crime anymore
Pisco abilities changed
Lovers changed. Can be picked by (Ether a NPC or player controlled) Yumi, or can be picked if two people send etch others name through PM to the GM (please make the title clear when sending that PM)


The BO now have their own sub-board on the forum that is visible only to them. Townies cannot see or access this sub-board. The BO can now talk to each other and strategize here rather than in PM. If you are BO, the sub-board will appear on the frontpage of the forum sometime either during prep phase or Night 1.

Players who have died now have their own sub-board, called the Graveyard. It is visible and accessible only to dead players. Dead players who want to discuss the game should do so on this thread and not on the game thread.
Last edited by Jd- on March 21st, 2011, 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kleene Onigiri wrote: Mafia: Where you fight with unicorns and puppies as your weapons.
*punches Xpon*


Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by CTU »

Role name, role occupation
Prep. phase action: Action done during prep. phase.
Night action: Action A OR Action B -> Can just use one of it, not both at the same night
Night action: Action C -> Can use Action C and Action A or B
Day action: Action D
Night/Day action: Action E -> can also be done together with other actions
(Action A/B, C and E can be done on the same night. Day action D and E too.)
Interrogation: the result when this role is interrogated and not slandered
Scent: Result when haibara followed this role
Disguise: Says, if someone can be disguised as this role or not
Items: Items that role has that can be stolen
Observe: Results when this role is observed
Note: Other information :P
Black Organization
Injured BO will lose all of their abilities (including sniping). Injured BO can still kill each night, and use items such as black suitcase and bow-tie/watch.
Anokata, Mafia Boss
Status: BO Leader
Night action: Blame
Day action: Black Suitcase
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys
Observe: Adult/Teenager/Child
Note: Anokata can use the Black Suitcase during Night 1 for him-/herself. During Day 1 it can be given to any member of the BO.
If observed, the result will always be random, either adult, teenager or child. Night 1 and Night 2, he could appear as child. Or Night 1 as child and Night 2 as adult.
If more than 1 person observes him at the same night, both will get the same random result.

Gin, Mafia Slanderer
Night action: Slander
Night action: Investigate 5
Interrogation: BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Headgear, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Vermouth, Mafia Disguiser
Prep action: Disguise
Interrogation: not disguised: BO, with disguise: depends on disguise
Scent: Yes, no matter what disguise
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Panties, Alcohol + items from disguise
Observe: depends on disguise, If not disguised: Adult
Note: Vermouth can't arrest someone for a blamed action in any way.

Bourbon, Mafia Detective
Night action: Detect
Night action: Spy
Interrogation: BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Headgear, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Pisco, Mafia Eraser
Night action: Erase Body or Erase Evidence
Interrogation: BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Irish, Mafia Disguiser
Prep. Phase action: Choose Costumes
Night action: Abducting
Day action: Temporary Disguise
Interrogation: not disguised: BO, with disguise: depends on disguise
Scent: Yes, no matter what disguise
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Alcohol
Observe: Adult
Note: Irish can't arrest someone for a blamed action in any way.

Vodka, Mafia Intimidator
Night action: Discombobulate
Interrogation: BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Headgear, Glasses, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Calvados, Mafia Backup
Day action: Cover
Interrogation: BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Headgear, Glasses, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Chianti, Mafia Sniper
Night action: Snipe
Night/Day Action: Revenge
Night action: Observe
Interrogation: BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Panties, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Korn, Mafia Sniper
Night action: Snipe
Night/Day Action: Revenge
Night action: Stake-out
Interrogation: BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Headgear, Glasses, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Tequila, Mafia Browbeat
Night action: Frighten
Interrogation: BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Headgear, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Sherry, Mafia Scientist
Night action: Poison
Interrogation: BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Panties, Alcohol
Observe: Teenager
Ai and Sherry cannot both be in the game

Akemi, Mafia Robber
Night action: Steal
Interrogation: BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Panties
Observe: Adult
Police can do all actions in the same night: Investigate, Arrest and House Search (if available)
Megure, Police Inspector
Night action: Investigate 3
Night/Day action: Arrest
Night action: House search
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Headgear
Observe: Adult

Shiratori, Police Inspector
Night action: Investigate 3
Night/Day action: Arrest
Night action: House search
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Satou, Assistant Police Inspector
Night action: Investigate 3
Night/Day action: Arrest
Night/Day action: Detention
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Panties
Observe: Adult

Takagi, Police Sergeant
Night action: Stake-out
Night/Day action: Arrest
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Glasses
Observe: Adult

Chiba, Police Officer
Night action: Stake-out
Night/Day action: Arrest
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys
Observe: Adult

Nakamori, Police Inspector
Night action: Investigate 2
Night/Day action: Arrest
Night/Day action: Pinch Face
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys
Observe: Adult

Yumi, Amor
Night action: Investigate 2
Night/Day action: Arrest
Prep. action: Amor
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Headgear, Panties, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Officer Tome, Crime Scene Investigator
Night Action: Special Investigate 1
Night/Day Action: Arrest
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, Headgear, Glasses, Car-Keys
Observe: Adult
James, FBI Boss
Status: FBI Leader
Night action: Special Investigate
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Glasses, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Akai, Hunter
Night/Day action: Vengeance
Night action: Investigate 5
Night action: Bone Breaking
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Headgear, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Jodie, Agent
Night action: Observe
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys, Glasses, Panties, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Camel, Agent
Night action: Observe
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-keys
Observe: Adult

Kir, Undercover Agent
Status: NOC
Night action: Betrayal
Night action:Special Investigate 1 and Investigate 1
Interrogation: BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Gun, Car-Keys, Headgear, Panties, Alcohol
Observe: Adult
Shinichi, Meitantei
Night action: Investigate 5 OR Interrogate
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: School book
Observe: Teenager

Conan, Shrunken Meitantei
Night action: Investigate 5 OR Interrogate
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: School book, Glasses
Observe: Child

***The only way Conan and Shinichi can both be in the same game is if someone is disguised as Shinichi***

Heiji, Osakan Meitantei
Night action: Investigate 5 OR Interrogate
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: School book, Headgear, Alcohol
Observe: Teenager

Hakuba, Foreign Meitantei
Prep and Night/Day action: Travel
Night action: Interrogate (can't use it while not in Japan)
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: School book
Observe: Teenager
Note: Starts the game outside of Japan.
Can either Travel OR Interrogate during Night. Can either Travel OR Vote during Day.

Kogoro, Drunk Meitantei
Status: Drunk OR Sober
Night action: Interrogate (random result when drunk)
Day action: Analyze (when sober)
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Alcohol
Observe: Adult
- Always starts the game off drunk.
- The player gets Sober the phase after Eri, Ran, Conan or Shinichi dies.  Disguised roles don’t count.
- Injured Ran because she is successfully protecting someone on night will made Kogoro Sober. (Day protections, or injured by First Aid wont count)
- A disguised Ran etc. doesn't count.
- Gets sober after 6 townies have died by default, meaning his interrogation on the night of the 6th dead will be accurate.
- Gets sober when his alcohol is stolen
- If Eri, Ran, Conan or Shinichi get erased, then Kogoro won't get Sober and will stay drunk.

Yusaku Kudô, Genius Author
Night action: Interrogate OR Deduction OR Reveal Culprit
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Car-Keys, Glasses
Observe: Adult

Okiya Subaru, Graduate Student
Night action: Detect
Night action: Deduction
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: Yes
Disguise: Yes
Items: Car-keys, Glasses, Alcohol
Observe: Adult

Haibara, Shrunken Scientist
Day action: Follow
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No (wouldn't follow herself anyway)
Disguise: No
Items: School book, Panties, Alcohol
Observe: Child

Kazuha, Charm Maker
Day action: Accompany
Day action: Charm
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: School book, Headgear, Panties
Observe: Teenager

Agasa, Inventor
Day action: Bow-tie
Day action: Tranquilizer Watch
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Car-keys, Glasses
Observe: Adult

Makoto, Foreign Protector
Prep and Night/Day action: Travel
Night/Day action: Protect (can't use it while not in Japan)
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: School book, Glasses
Observe: Teenager
Note: Starts the game outside of Japan.
Can either Travel OR Protect during Night. Can either Travel OR Vote and Protect during Day.
If he protects successfully, he'll fly out of Japan (see Protect ability for more details)

Ran, Protector
Night/Day action: Protect
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: School book, Panties
Observe: Teenager
Note: If she protects successfully, she'll get Injured

Araide, Doctor
Night action: Heal
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Car-keys, Glasses
Observe: Adult

Sumiko Kobayashi, Elementary Teacher
Night action: First Aid
Day Action: Voice of Reason
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Car-Keys, School book, Glasses, Panties
Observe: Adult

Eri, Lawyer
Night action: Lawsuit, Cross-examine
Night action: Cross-examine
Day action: Voice of Reason
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: Car-keys, Glasses, Headgear, Panties
Observe: Adult

Sonoko, Best Friend
Status: Friends
Prep. action: Friendship
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: School book, Headgear, Panties
Observe: Teenager

Eisuke, Trickster
Night action: Discombobulate
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: School book, Glasses
Observe: Teenager

Asami Tsuburaya, Trickstress
Night action: Discombobulate
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: Yes
Items: School book, Panties
Observe: Teenager

Ayumi, Detective Boy
Status: Group
Day action: Identify
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: School book, Headgear, Panties
Observe: Child

Mitsuhiko, Detective Boy
Status: Group
Day action: Identify
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: School book
Observe: Child

Genta, Detective Boy
Status: Group
Day action: Identify
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: School book
Observe: Child

1412, Master Thief
Prep. Action: Disguise
Night action: Steal
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No (no matter what disguise he has)
Disguise: No
Items: Gun, School book, Glasses, Headgear + items from disguise
Observe: depends on disguise, If not disguised: Teenager
Note: It is in 1412's best interest to not tell his true identity to anyone.

Yukiko Kudô, Talented Actress
Day action: Temporary Disguise
Prep. Action: Choose Costumes
Interrogation: Not BO when not disguised; with disguise: depends on disguise
Scent: No, no matter what disguise
Disguise: No
Items: Car-Keys, Panties + the items of her current disguise.
Observe: Adult

Jirokichi Suzuki, old fartExperienced Explorer, Veteran Adventurer, and Eccentric Multimillionaire
Night action: Give Gem
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: Gems. Lots of them
Observe: Adult
If one of his Gems gets stolen, he will get into contact with Nakamori, so they can bring down Kid together.
Injured Criminals will lose all their abilities except their killing abilities. (Ex: Okuda will lose steal, but keep murder.)

Natsuki Koshizumi, bloodthirsty Teenage Detective of Southern Japan
Night action: (Investigate 1 and Special Investigate 1) OR Interrogate            
Night Action: Bribe (Mandatory)            
Prep. Action: Hitlist            
Interrogation: Not BO            
Scent: No            
Disguise: No            
Items: Panties, Headgear, Gun            
Observe: Teenager
Win condition:
Natsuki wins if she kills four out of the five people on her hitlist and if the town wins the game. She can still win if she is killed or arrested, as long as those two conditions are fulfilled.
-Once Natsuki has killed four people on her hitlist, she can no longer kill. She may still use her other night actions for the remainder of the game.            

Okuda, Vengeful Killer
Night Action: Steal          
Night Action: Murder                    
Interrogation: Not BO            
Scent: No            
Disguise: No            
Items: Gun, Glasses, Schoolbook      
Observe: Teenager
Win condition:
  Okuda wins when he killed his target. He will lose if the game ended without doing so.
- Okuda can also win, if he lynches his target, and his target dies. If his target dies, and Okuda did not lynch him, then he will receive a new target (chosen at random).
-Once Okuda has achieved his objective, he will leave the game. His role will not be revealed and he will not leave a will.  

Matsumiya, Serial Bomber
Night Action: Observe
Night Action: Bombing
Interrogation: Not BO
Scent: No
Disguise: No
Items: Alcohol, Headgear, Car-Keys
Observe: Adult
Win condition:
The bomber wins when all the police are dead, and he is still alive or arrested.
-The bomber may win from jail if the other players kill the rest of the police while he is arrested. He will not win if the other players kill the rest of the police after Matsumiya has died.
-Once Matsumiya has achieved his objective, he will leave the game. His role will not be revealed and he will not leave a will.
Last edited by CTU on February 24th, 2011, 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kleene Onigiri wrote: Mafia: Where you fight with unicorns and puppies as your weapons.
*punches Xpon*


Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by CTU »


BO Leader
- Roles with that Status: Anokata or choosen leader
- Can order killings
- Can give out the Black Suitcase

- Decided by Yumi during prep. phase
- Lovers know the identity of each other.
- Can't befriend Sonoko. DBs Can't be lovers. Matsumiya and Okuda can't be lovers. Natsuki can't be lovers with someone on her hitlist.
- When one lover dies, the other dies too by suicide in the same phase. No one can heal, protect or prevent the death of the suicidal lover.
- A Town/town pair wins together with the town. A BO/BO pair wins together with the BO. A Town/BO pair doesn't win when the town or the BO wins. To win as a town/BO pair they need to kill everyone else.
- Lovers can win while one or both are arrested.
- Lovers can protect each other with the ability Lovey-Dovey, but only their lover. See under Day/Night Abilities.

- Roles with that Status: Sonoko and her friend
- Know each others identity or just disguise if disguised
- Sonoko can use the same abilitis as her friend, as long as their friend is still alive.
- Can't be lovers. Can't befriend DBs or BO besides Vermouth. Can't befriend criminals except Natsuki. Can't befriend Natsuki if she's on Natsuki's hitlist
- If Sonokos friend is killed during the night (not with sniping), then she'll know the identity of the murderer.

FBI Leader
- Role with that Status: James Black
- At the start of the game, the FBI Leader is told how many subordinates (Jodie, Akai, Camel, Kir) are in the game. This includes characters disguised as the subordinates.
- If someone is disguised as a subordinate, then he will get a small hint, like: "You think there is something strange with your subordinate(s)"
- After every Night, he will get up to 2 results from his subordinates chosen at random (the number of reports he gets depends on the number of subordinates in the game, but he can't get more than two).
-In case of Akai, James will only receive one of his
investigations. In case of Kir, James will receive only one of her actions (Betrayal, Investigation or Special Investigation) chosen by random. Same with any other subordinate who uses the Bow-Tie.

- Roles with that status: Kir
- She gets to know how many BO are in the game (not the identity)

Drunk or Sober
- Roles with that status: Kogoro
- Always starts the game off drunk.
- The player gets Sober the phase after Eri, Ran, Conan or Shinichi dies.  Disguised roles don’t count.
- Injured Ran because she is successfully protecting someone on night will made Kogoro Sober. (Day protections, or injured by First Aid wont count)
- A disguised Ran etc. doesn't count.
- Gets sober after 6 townies have died by default, meaning his interrogation on the night of the 6th dead will be accurate.
- Gets sober when his alcohol is stolen
- If Eri, Ran, Conan or Shinichi get erased, then Kogoro won't get Sober and will stay drunk

- Roles with that Status: Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, Genta
- Know each other’s identity.
- Each game will either have at least 2 DBs, or none at all.
Prep. Phase Action
- Roles with that action: Vermouth, 1412
- Prep. Phase action, Crime, stays for all Phases as long as it's not removed via injury or an ability
- Can be investigated
- The player chooses a number of players to disguise as. (GM tells how many players to choose) The player will then disguise as that role and be able to use their actions, just like being that role.
- Scent won't be taken. So 1412 disguised as Akai or Okiya etc, won't have a scent.
- Vermouth will always have a scent, whatever disguise she gets
- You choose player names (Akonyl, conia etc.) not roles names (Agasa, Heiji etc.) or roles (Detective, Police etc.)
- The player who originally had that role will get a different role. He will not know that anyone has disguised as his previous role. He will not know that he got a different role either.
- They can't disguise as: BO members, Conan, Haibara, DBs (Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko), and Prep. Phase roles (Sonoko, Yumi, Vermouth, 1412, Hakuba, Makoto)
- If 1412 and Vermouth choose the same player, then both will disguise as that player. So 1412 and Vermouth can both be disguised as Ran. But there will be no real Ran in the game.
- The player will have items from his original role and from his disguised role. So he can have 2x gun in case 1412 or Vermouth disguises as a Police officer.

Choose Costumes
- Roles with that action: Yukiko Kudô, Irish
- Prep. Phase action
- During the preparation phase, the player will be given 5 roles she could disguise as. The player has to choose 3 of them that can used during the game.
- All disguises will be town roles. The player will NOT replace that role - so even if he decides to take the disguise as Shinichi, another player could still get the role of Shinichi (or Conan).

- Roles with that action: Yumi
- Prep. action
- Chooses 4 player, two of them will become lovers
- Matsumiya and Okuda can't be lovers. Natsuki can be a lover as long as her lover isn't on her hitlist.
- Hitlist > Amor, so if Natsuki (Sherlock3) puts Abs. on her hitlist, and Yumi chooses Sherlock3 and Abs. as lovers, the hitlist will take priority and Sherlock3 and Abs. won't be lovers.

- Roles with that action: Sonoko
- Prep. action
- Sonoko chooses a list of players she wants to befriend. (GM tells how many players to chose)
- Sonoko will befriend randomly one of these players. They will become friends and will know the identity of each other.
- Sonoko can befriend travelers. If she befriends a traveler she will start off together with the traveler, and play with the same rules.
- Roles she can't befriend: DB's, Lovers and BO members except Vermouth, [color=red[criminals except Natsuki.[/color]
- If she befriends Vermouth, she will befriend the disguised role and will not know that it's Vermouth. Sonoko will stay as a Townsperson and will not join the BO.
- If Sonoko befriends 1412, she will also know the disguised role and not that he’s 1412 disguised as someone. 1412 has the freedom to tell Sonoko that he's 1412 or not.
- When Sonoko's friend dies because he/she was killed by the BO, she will learn the attacker’s identity. She will not learn the identity when her friend was sniped or killed with the APTX.
- Sonoko can use all the abilities of her friends, unless they are Kid or Vermouth, in which case she won't be able to use Kill or steal.
-If she befriends Yukiko, she will be able to use the abilities of the disguise if Yukiko is also disguised.
-If she befriends a cop, she won't be able to use detention, arrest, or house search
-If her friend dies, she can't use their abilities anymore.
- Natsuki's hitlist > Sonokos ability > Yumis ability so Hitlist > Friendship > Lovers
During the prep phase, if Sonoko chooses her friend and Yumi happens to choose the same people as Lovers, then Sonoko’s ability comes first. So the players that got chosen as Best friends and Lovers, will become best friends and not lovers.
- Cannot befriend Natsuki if she is on Natsuki's hitlist. Natsuki's hitlist takes priority over befriend, so if Natsuki places Sonoko on her hitlist, and Sonoko tries to befriend her, Sonoko will not befriend her and will be on the hitlist.

- Role with that action: Hakuba, Makoto
- Night/Day action and prep. phase action, can't be covered.
- Player does not reside in Japan from the start of the game
- They can choose if they want to travel during the prep phase by sending a PM to the GM. If they do they will be on the plane during Night 1, so they can't use their action during that Night. They will arrive during Day 1 and can participate in Voting or use their Day ability (Makoto).
- The traveling can be hindered, and the player won't start traveling, but stay where he currenlty resides (either outside or in Japan)
- In order to travel, the player needs to PM the GM with the order to do so (whether it's during prep.phase or and night or day phase)
- Not in Japan: The player is handled as if he were arrested. So the player can't be killed in any way, can't use actions besides Travel and can't Vote.  No actions may be taken on him except for discombobulation and frighten.
- On the plane: While traveling, he can't use his abilities/vote or be killed/lynched. During that time, he also can't be APTXed. While on the plane, he can't be discombobulated or frightened, so he will still arrive at his destination.
The discombobulator will get a "fail" as a result.
- Leaving Japan: The player can't use an ability/vote and decide to travel at the same time. He can either decide to travel and  and can't use hia abilities or vote in that phase. Or use his abilities/vote but can't travel then.
In case he was frightened or discombobulated, his travel will fail.
In case the player was APTXed on the same phase, he decided to leave Japan, the APTX will still take effect and he'll die.
In case he was killed or lynched, the traveler will survive.

Hakuba decides to travel to Japan on Night 1. Then he's in the plane on Day 1 (can't Vote and can't be killed either (by lynching or APTX)) Will arrive in Japan at Night 2 and can use his Night actions.
Makoto decides to leave Japan on Night 2.  Vodka uses APTX on him on the following Day, Day 2.  The APTX will be not take effect, and will not be used up.
Hakuba decides to travel on Day 2. In case he was lynched, Hakuba will survive. In case the BO wanted to APTX him, he'll die.

- Role with that action: Natsuki
- Prep Action, can't be covered
- During prep phase, she has to send the GM a list of five other players (She cannot place her own name on the list)            
- In the nights 2 - 5, four of them are to be killed, she can decide which one to kill for each night            
- Her kills will follow the same rules as a kill supported with bribe, meaning they can't be hindered in any way        
- The killing will cease if she dies or are arrested
- If she is released from prison she will continue killing people
- She has to fulfil a quota of four kills
- If someone on her hitlist gets lynched, poisoned, arrested, or killed by someone else, she can add a new name, unless there are still enough people left on her hitlist to fulfil her quota
- APTX (Sherry) > Your kill > BO's kill: This means if the BO and she both decide to kill the same person during the night, the BO will fail their kill. If Sherry APTXs someone however, she will fail and have to kill someone else instead later on.
-Natsuki wins if she kills four out of the five people on her hitlist and if the town wins the game. She can still win if she is killed or arrested, as long as those two conditions are fulfilled.
-Once Natsuki has killed four people on her hitlist, she can no longer kill. She may still use her other night actions for the remainder of the game.            
Night Action
- Role with that action: Anokata
- Night action, Crime, can be covered
- Can choose to blame a townsperson for committing a crime on that night.
- Investigating this action will come back as true, and the townsperson can be arrested for this action as well.
- The action  Blame cannot be investigated ("Akonyl blames Kleene" results in a false even if Akonyl blamed Kleene for killing someone)
- Vermouth and Irish cannot arrest people for blamed actions.

- Role with that action: Gin
- Night action, Crime, can be covered
- Can Slander any player at night, whether it's someone from Town or BO
- He can use slander on two targets, on one BO and one town. He can't slander two BOs or two towns
- When that Slandered player is Interrogated in the same night, the opposite result will occur.  â€œBOâ€
Last edited by CTU on February 24th, 2011, 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kleene Onigiri wrote: Mafia: Where you fight with unicorns and puppies as your weapons.
*punches Xpon*


Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by CTU »

Day Action
- Roles with that Action: all BO
- Day action, Crime
- The whole BO get capsules with APTX4869 each game. The number of capsules at the beginning of the game is always 3!
- During each day any BO member may attempt to poison another player (BO or Townie) by sending a PM with that players name and identity to the GM.
APTX: Kleene = Shinichi for example
- If the BO tries APTX on 1412 disguised as Shinichi, the BO must guess that player is 1412 and not Shinichi.
- Succseful APTX: The target was that role (success).The BO will keep the ATPX. The actions and the votes of the victim doesn't count and the target dies.
Arrest can't be hindered tho.
- Failed APTX: The APTX will be used up and the BO will lose it. The victim won't know that he was targeted. The BO will get a message that the APTX failed and how many APTX are left.
- Different BO members can try to poison different targets (or the same target) the same day. Each BO can only start one poison attempt each day. If there are more poisoning attempts than remaining APTX the higher-ranked BO members poisoning attempts takes priority.
Gin can poison pofa as Shinichi. But Gin can't poison pofa as Shinichi AND Ctu as Ran.
Gin can poison pofa as Shinichi and Vermouth can poison pofa as Ran.
- If the BO member who used APTX was lynched, the APTX is still effective and the target will still die.
- APTX can't hinder an arrest. Even if the arresting officer is successfully APTXed by another BO member who is not also being arrested, the arrest still happens.  The arresting officer will die after the arrest takes place.
- Arresting the BO member who does the poisoning WILL hinder the poisoning.  In this case, the APTX is confiscated!
- If APTX is confiscated in an arrest, the APTX will be randomly given to Haibara, Satou, or Okiya if they are in the game.  These players may then use the APTX, subject to the same rules as above, starting the next Day phase. If none of these roles are in the game, the APTX is out of play.
- APTX > lynching: In case the target player is lynched and APTXed, then the APTX will be first, then the lynching. So if the APTX failed, the APTX will be used up and the target dies after that.

Black Suitcase
- Role with that action: Anokata or BO Leader
- Day action
- During each day the Leader (also, next highest-ranked BO in case Leader dies or is arrested) can decide to give the "Black Suitcase" to any player (even himself). He can also choose a substitute in case that player is killed/arrested.
- Has to give it to someone, otherwise no one will recieve the Black Suitcase
- During the next night the receiver can pretend to use any existing Night ability. However, the player will never get a result for that action. ("Heal" won't heal the target)
- The player can use his real ability (for example Slander) and a fake ability (for example Investigate 5 or Heal etc.) in the same night.
- If the player is discombobulated, the Black Suitcase action will fail as well as any other Night actions. Meaning the investigation of that fake action will come out as "False".
- The player will be notified, that he was discombobulated, even if he doesn't have a real night ability.
Anokata (Kleene) can give the Suitcase to himself during Day 1. During Night 2, he can (for example) interrogate another player (Akonyl). Anyone Investigating "Kleene interrogates Akonyl" will receive a "True" result. However, Anokata (Kleene) will not gain a result on his fake Interrogation.

- Role with that action: Calvados
- Day action
- Can choose one ally during the day. The next night, Calvados can use one night ability from that ally.
- Allies are all BOs (even if that BO happens to be a BO/Town lover) and Calvados's own lover. Meaning he can cover his Lover that is a townrole too.
- Can cover abilities from disguises.
- Can choose a different ally the next day or the same. Doesn't matter.
- Doesn't work if Calvados or the target dies during the day.
- Will still work if the ally was arrested during the day Calvados covered him/her. The ally won't be able to use his/her night ability due to arrest, but Calvados can use it.
- Will not work on dead or already arrested allies.
- Will not work on killing someone. So Calvados and the covered ally can't both kill in the same night. But Calvados can cover the sniping or erasing ability, so in case Calvados is doing the killing, he'll be able to use sniping or erasing etc.
- Calvados can't give someone else the one-time bribe ability. He can just use erase in case he kills himself and covered Pisco the day before.
- The covered abilities can be normally investigated or seen with stake-out. Meaning "Calvados slanders Akonyl" will get a true.
- If Calvados uses blame, it can't be investigated by anyone (like normal blame)
- Can't cover: Frighten, Revenge, Arrest, House Search, Travel

Calvados covers Gin. Gin can use slander and Investigate. But Calvados can just use either slander or investigate. Not both like Gin.
In case Akemi is covered, Calvados has to use steal on a different target than Akemi. They can't steal both from the same target on the same night.

Temporary Disguise
- Roles with that action: Yukiko Kudô, Irish
- Day action, Crime
- Can be investigated like a normal disguise
- During the day, Yukiko can choose one of the costumes to disguise as that role during the next night. During the next night she can use any of her disguises abilities.
- After the night Yukiko will no longer be disguised.
- She can not disguise as the same role twice. (So she can only be disguised during a total of 3 nights.)
- House-search will lead to Yukikos arrest, if she disguised already during the game.
- An arrest will only succeed if the officer arresting him/her adds the correct time of the disguise (the day phase he/she donned the disguise or the night phase she wore it). If no time is given during the arrest attempt, the arrest attempt will "fail" even if the correct disguise is given, because the order wasn't given correctly. There will be no suspension for that.  
- Consequences of actions will still affect the player, even when he lost his disguise. So if he got suspended he can not use any action during the next 2 phases. If he got injured while disguising as Ran he will stay injured.
- He won't be disguised during the day. So no day actions of the costumes can be used.
- If the player is disguised, then all items from the real role and from the disguise can be stolen. When the player isn't disguised, he'll loose the stealable items of the disguised role (the items don't stay and stack)
- Can be investigated like a normal disguise.

Re-choose Disguise (Same as Choose Disguise)
- The Day after Irish/Yukiko used his/her last disguise, he/she can re-use Choose Disguise. Not a crime.

Bow-tie and Watch
- Role with that action: Agasa
- Day action
- Bow-tie: Can lend it to anyone for a night except for himself (and it is returned at the end of the night). Someone in possession of the bow-tie can act if he were Conan and can choose to Interrogate OR Investigate 5. (Not both)
- Watch: Can also lend the watch to anyone for one night except for himself (and it is returned at the end of the night). Someone in possession of the Watch is protected from the BO as if he were protected by Ran or Makoto, but he needs to fire from the distance so he does not get to see the attacker's face and will therefore not learn his identity.
-If sniped, the target will survive, but the watch will be destroyed and can't be used anymore
- Neither the recipient of Watch or bow-tie nor Agasa learn each other’s identity (so Ctu as Agasa will give the Watch to "conia", and conia alias Ran will receive it from "Agasa").
- He may lend both to the same person. While he has to decide whom he'll give it to during the day, he may include (ordered) alternatives in case the one he chose gets lynched/etc.
- If Ran or Makoto gets the watch, they Protect themselves. So when they are targeted, they will be protected be the watch. If they protect someone successfully with the watch, they will still be penalized. If the protected one was sniped while Ran or Makoto had the watch, the watch won't be destroyed, but one of the protectors will still die.
- If healer or firs aid user gets the Watch, he can also only use the watch to defend himself.
- If the recipient of the Bow-tie has a normal Interrogate or Investigate due to his/her role, he can use both that interrogate/investigate and the normal one. So he can use 1x interrogate and 1x investigate or 2x interrogate/investigate
- Watch protection > Protect > Heal > First Aid

- Role with that action: Haibara
- Day action
- She may accompany anyone during the day and the accompanied will learn that someone accompanied/followed them.
- As a result she will get either: "Has a scent" or "Has no scent"

- Role with that action: Kazuha
- Day action
- The target will have his/her lynching votes reduced by 1 for that day.
- There will be just a public notice that 1 vote was reduced, in case that person was about to be lynched. Otherwise no one will know that a vote was reduced by 1. Lynch votes will be shown as normal.
- She may accompany anyone during the day and the accompanied will learn that someone accompanied/followed them. She can't accompany herself.

Voice of Reason
- Roles with that action: Eri, Kobayashi
- Day action
- Can stop the lynching once per game. Doing so will not expose her role. The lynching must be stopped before the results are known, and if successful no one will be killed by lynching during that day. The lynching votes will not be shown.´

- Role with that action: DBs: Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Genta
- Day action
- Decide together to Identify one persons role (Akonyl is Sonoko, Callid is Eisuke, mangaluva is Bourbon)
- They use Identify all together. So they can just Identify one player's role together per Day.
- If one of the Detective Boys is prevented from using his day ability (for example by Tequila), the Identification could either succeed or fail, depending on the number of undisturbed Detective Boys. For example if 2 other DB are still in the game, the chance to fail is 1/3. If only one more is still active the chance to fail is 1/2. If it is the last DB it will always fail.
- If the person is disguised, they can't Identify the disguise but have to Identify if the player is 1412 or Vermouth.
- The ranking of the DB are: Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Genta.  If the GM gets conflicting orders on whom to Identify, the GM will use this ranking.

- Roles with that: Kogoro
- Day action, just available when Kogoro is sober
- After the player gets Sober, he can analyze his Interrogations during the Day (even the one before he got Sober). So he can Interrogate during the Night and Analyze his results during the day. He gets the correct answer with the Analysis, whether the result was wrong because of being Drunk or because it was Slandered.
- Example: Ran was killed during Night 2, so Kogoro got sober on Day 3:
Needs to PM: "I want to Analyze my Interrogation from Night 1"
-Analyze can be frightened. In this case, Kogoro will get a notice that his action failed.

- Role with that action: Kazuha
- Day action
- Can give out the Health Charm. The same phase and the phase afterwards, the target will be protected from APTX poisoning.
- The Charm will only be used up, if the person with the charm would have been poisoned otherwise.  BO will not be specially notified that the charm was in play.
- Can only give the charm to herself once.
- Kazuha won't know the identity of the one who received the Charm. The one who got the Charm will just know that Kazuha gave it to him/her, not the identity of the player.

Night/Day Action
- Role with that action: Megure, Satou, Takagi, Shiratori, Chiba, Yumi
- Night/Day action, can't be covered, can't be frightened or discombobulated.
- Can arrest any player at Night or Day, except for themselves.
- Needs to accuse a player for a specific crime during a specific past phase: "Arrest Akonyl for Killing Conia on Night 1" or "Arrest Conia for Slandering pofa on Night 2" or “Arrest Sebolains for disguising as Megure [color=red on Night 3." Yukiko and Irish must be arrested for the right disguise during the right time frame. Kid and Vermouth lose their disguise if injured, so it is to the policeman's advantage to provide a specific phase when arresting for disguise.[/color]
- The crime can be done on any Night or Day, but it CANNOT be in the same phase that the arrest is happening
- MAY NOT arrest someone for helping with a crime: "Akonyl helped Conia in killing pofa"
- Crimes are: see under General Definitions.
- Being in the BO isn't a crime. So you can't arrest Conia for being Gin.
- Arresting can't be hindered in any way. Not by discombobulating, frightening or killing the police officer.
- The police officer can't use any action (arrest, investigate, house search, stake-out etc.) for the next 2 phases if he accuses someone falsely, because he'll get suspended. But he can use the bow-tie actions in case he get's the bow-tie.
- There will be info on the Arrest:
1) If successful, then there will be info that an unidentified police officer Arrested Player XYZ successfully (identity won't get revealed)
2) If there is a failed arrest attempt, then there will be info that an unidentified police officer was suspended for the next 2 phases. There won't be any info who was supposed to be arrested either.
- An arrested person's identity remains secret.
- Players can be arrested for blamed actions, even tho the player didn't do it.
- The BO can't arrest someone for a blamed action in any way. But a town player, that is a lover with a BO, can arrest someone for a blamed action.
- The action and/or vote of a successfully arrested player will not go thorough and will fail.

- Role with that action: Satou
- Night/Day action, can't be covered, can't be frightened or discombobulated.
- Can put any player in detention at Night or Day, except for themselves.
- The player will then be in detention until they are released
- Only one player at a time can be in detention
- Detention is handled the same as arrest for all purposes
- The player will be released automatically after 3 phases or if Satou dies
-If all BO players are either dead or arrested and the only remaining BO is in detention, the game ends
Can not be used on the same person twice in a row

- Role with this action: Chianti, Korn
- Night/Day action, can't be covered
- When they get lynched, the target of their own lynching vote will become "injured"
- When they become arrested, the officer(s) arresting them will become "Temporary Injured"(2 phases, same as a suspension). However, it also means that their identities will be exposed due to their resistance to their arrest.
- If injured by Bone Breaking, the sniper can still use this action (only exception)

- Role with that action: Akai
- Night/Day action, can't be covered
- If Akai gets lynched, he'll kill the person he voted for too.
- If APTXed and lynched, the one he voted for will still get killed.
- If APTXed at day or night, he won't injure the poisoner.
- If Frightened, he can't vote and can't use this action. Same with discombobulation.
- If killed successfully, he will injure his attacker before he dies. If healed or if the kill get's prevented in any way, he won't injure the attacker.
- An injured BO will lose all of his abilities, and abilities to kill (like sniping). However, he can still regularly kill at night and use items like black suitcase and bow-tie/watch.

Pinch Face
- Role with that action: Nakamori
- Night/Day action, can be covered
- Once within every two phases Nakamori can check a player for a disguise (Night 1 or Day 1, then Night 2 or Day 2... So, he can do it Night 1, then Night 2. Or he can do it Day 1, then Night 2.)
- If the player is not in disguise, the action will return a false
- If they are, they will be automatically arrested, then stripped of their disguise and their action for that phase will fail
- Nakamori will learn that the player was in disguise and also which disguise it was.
- Kid and Vermouth will then be assigned a new disguise at random if they are released from jail.
- If Yukiko is pinched and arrested, she does not get a new role when freed.
- The target will be notified that they were pinched.
-Can be discombobulated/frightened.

- Role with that action: Hakuba, Makoto
- Night/Day action and prep. phase action, can't be covered.
- Player does not reside in Japan from the start of the game
- They can choose if they want to travel during the prep phase by sending a PM to the GM. If they do they will be on the plane during Night 1, so they can't use their action during that Night. They will arrive during Day 1 and can participate in Voting or use their Day ability (Makoto).
- The traveling can be hindered, and the player won't start traveling, but stay where he currenlty resides (either outside or in Japan)
- In order to travel, the player needs to PM the GM with the order to do so (whether it's during prep.phase or and night or day phase)
- Not in Japan: The player is handled as if he were arrested. So the player can't be killed in any way, can't use actions besides Travel and can't Vote.  No actions may be taken on him except for discombobulation and frighten.
- On the plane: While traveling, he can't use his abilities/vote or be killed/lynched. During that time, he also can't be APTXed. While on the plane, he can't be discombobulated or frightened, so he will still arrive at his destination.
The discombobulator will get a "fail" as a result.
- Leaving Japan: The player can't use an ability/vote and decide to travel at the same time. He can either decide to travel and  and can't use hia abilities or vote in that phase. Or use his abilities/vote but can't travel then.
In case he was frightened or discombobulated, his travel will fail.
In case the player was APTXed on the same phase, he decided to leave Japan, the APTX will still take effect and he'll die.
In case he was killed or lynched, the traveler will survive.

Hakuba decides to travel to Japan on Night 1. Then he's in the plane on Day 1 (can't Vote and can't be killed either (by lynching or APTX)) Will arrive in Japan at Night 2 and can use his Night actions.
Makoto decides to leave Japan on Night 2.  Vodka uses APTX on him on the following Day, Day 2.  The APTX will be not take effect, and will not be used up.
Hakuba decides to travel on Day 2. In case he was lynched, Hakuba will survive. In case the BO wanted to APTX him, he'll die.

- Role with that action: Makoto, Ran
- Night/Day action, can be covered
- Protect/Lovey-Dovey/Bone Breaking is handled as the same action when investigated/stake-out
- May choose to Protect any number of people at day. If one of the Protected people is going to get lynched, he will jump in and stop the lynching.  The lynching votes will not be shown.
- May also choose one individual to Protect at night. If said individual is about to be killed by the BO, he again Protects the individual. The protected also learns if he was Protected. The Protected individual and the Protector then learns the identity of the attacker(!) (unless sniped, in which case  the protector will die but the target will survive. No identity will be revealed then)
- Penalties:
Makoto: If Makoto successfully protects someone, he'll automatically fly out of Japan the next phase (phase 1), stay one phase (phase 2) for a Karate championship, can decide to fly back and travel during Phase 3 and arrive at Japan again on Phase 4  
Ran: If Ran successfully protects someone, she'll get Injured and can't protect anybody anymore. But she can still talk freely and vote.
An Injured Ran MAY NOT be healed and lose her Injured status this way.
- If discombobulated while protecting, the protection will fail and they don’t Protect the person. So they don't fly away or get injured, nor do they learn the identity of the attacker.
- Can't protect anyone from APTX
- May not protect themselves.  MAY protect each other.
- Bone Breaker > Watch protection > Protect > Heal > First Aid

- Roles with that action: Lovers
- Night/Day action, can't be covered
- Protect/Lovey-Dovey/Bone Breaking is handled as the same action when investigated/stake-out
- The lover can protect the other lover during day or night. Can't use it on anyone else besides his/her lover
- This protect will hinder lynching, killing, sniping and even APTX
- Just one lover can use protect. They can't protect each other in the same phase.
- You can only protect once per Day/Night. So you have to choose if you protect your lover on night 1. Then neither of the lovers can use protect on day 1 anymore. But they can decide to use it either on Night 2 or Day 2 again etc.
- If they decide to protect during Day 1 instead of Night 1, they can use it again on Night2 or Day 2.
- If it successfully hinders a lynching, killing, sniping, or poisoning, the lovers lose this ability for 2 phases
Last edited by CTU on February 24th, 2011, 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kleene Onigiri wrote: Mafia: Where you fight with unicorns and puppies as your weapons.
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Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by CTU »

Round Links

Prep: Prep
Night 1: Night 1
Day 1: Day 1
Night 2: Night 2
Day 2:Day 2
Night 3:
Day 3:Day 3
Night 4: Night 4
Day 4: Day 4 :)
Night 5:
Day 5: Day 6
Last edited by CTU on March 10th, 2011, 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kleene Onigiri wrote: Mafia: Where you fight with unicorns and puppies as your weapons.
*punches Xpon*


Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by CTU »

The cake is a lie

*future space if needed*
Kleene Onigiri wrote: Mafia: Where you fight with unicorns and puppies as your weapons.
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Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by pofa »

I want to play! :D

Superman = Captain America > Aquaman = Hal Jordan > Wonder Woman > Barry Allen > Thor > Martian Manhunter > The Hulk > Wasp > Hawkeye > [power gap] > Iron Man = Batman > [power gap] > Hank Pym
*punches Xpon*


Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by CTU »

Added :)
Kleene Onigiri wrote: Mafia: Where you fight with unicorns and puppies as your weapons.
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Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by PT »

pofa wrote: I have never done a single thing wrong in mafia, never one lie or act of violence
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Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by Akonyl »

just said it in the other topic but I'll say it here now that I see this one: Add me :V

also, make sure to de-reddify the rule changes that are no longer new and make satou's detention say "3 phases", not "3 days"  :-X
*punches Xpon*


Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by CTU »

Akonyl wrote: just said it in the other topic but I'll say it here now that I see this one: Add me :V

also, make sure to de-reddify the rule changes that are no longer new and make satou's detention say "3 phases", not "3 days"  :-X
Do I have to de-reddify the text? I kinda like it like that :)
Kleene Onigiri wrote: Mafia: Where you fight with unicorns and puppies as your weapons.
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Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by pofa »

It's nice if just the changes are in red so you can see them immediately.

Also, in the Order of Actions section, it still says that House Search > Killing, which isn't true anymore. And Spy is still listed under Crimes in that same section.

Superman = Captain America > Aquaman = Hal Jordan > Wonder Woman > Barry Allen > Thor > Martian Manhunter > The Hulk > Wasp > Hawkeye > [power gap] > Iron Man = Batman > [power gap] > Hank Pym
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Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by bluekaitou1412 »


I have nothing better to do :P
*punches Xpon*


Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by CTU »

pofa wrote: It's nice if just the changes are in red so you can see them immediately.

Also, in the Order of Actions section, it still says that House Search > Killing, which isn't true anymore. And Spy is still listed under Crimes in that same section.
Well I will need to change that, but maybe that will be a change I make in this round to return it to the old way?


I have nothing better to do :P
Sure :)
Kleene Onigiri wrote: Mafia: Where you fight with unicorns and puppies as your weapons.
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Re: Mafie: Round 22 - Tales of Terror: It Was a Bright and Sunny Day

Post by Abs. »

Lemme in!  :D
Your opinion is always requested in Abs.' Random Polls of Whenever
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