Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Town Wins!]

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Re: Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Night 3]

Post by PT »

Results should be out. Let me know if you didn't get them.
pofa wrote: I have never done a single thing wrong in mafia, never one lie or act of violence


Re: Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Day 3]

Post by Link »

no stable workers in the cast list?
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Re: Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Day 3]

Post by blurfbreg »

I got tricked. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Sleep tight; Don't let the bedbugs bite.
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Re: Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Day 3]

Post by PT »

"This must be the enemy the Shield warned us about," Red comments, unsure if they should be afraid or not. The person looks just like them, after all.

"Rude," says Dark Lenk. "I'm not an enemy."

"You killed Blue," Green replies.

"I did not!"

"You kind of did," Princess Zilda confirms. "Your bomb blew up that tree and it fell on Blue."

Dark looks at Blue. "They aren't dead."

"I got better," Blue replies with a shrug.

"Well, whatever. If it happened, it was an accident. Sorry, I guess."

"If it was an accident, then why are you using bombs on trees at all?"

"There was a korok there and it was annoying me," Dark answers. "Are you guys going to find Princess Lenk?"

"How did you know?" Green asks suspiciously.

"I was told to find her."

"By who?" asks Red.

"It doesn't matter. Let's just get going. It'll be easier if we work together. At least I don't die at the drop of a hat," Dark demands.

And so they continue on their way, following Hylia River north toward Death Mountain. They pass another stable on the way, but don't stop as they've decided to cover as much ground as possible.

They do eventually cross over Hylia River once they get close to Lanayru Wetlands, since they'll need to cross eventually anyway. It's midday by the time they reach a third stable, so Dark finally lets them rest, though he's not exactly thrilled about it. They're basically starving, having skipped breakfast in order to keep traveling, and they need sleep.

"Oh, it's you guys again," the stable owner says as they approach. "Thanks so much for helping out at Dueling Peaks! You guys were a big help."

Zilda stares at her in confusion. "I'm sorry... how did you get here before us? We've been traveling nonstop, basically."

"Stable secret," the owner answers simply. "I can't tell you that. But I can get you guys beds for the night while you make yourselves some food!"

"Oh my god, yes please!" says Red, and Green and Blue agree.

Dark, however, seems concerned about something else. "Um... guys? What is th--"

He's cut off by an arrow to the head before he can finish his question.

Enemy approaching! says the Shield, but nobody bothers to look. Instead, they stare into the distance, looking for whatever Dark was pointing at, as Princess Zilda kneels next to him.

"Princess -- I'm sorry," he gurgles out just as he dies.

Dark Lenk (Link [Haibara]) has died.
Link (Haibara) was lynched.
Please stop killing my new characters as soon as I introduce them.

Link (2): Kamite, Raiden
cinnamoroll (1): Link
Kamite (1): Memesu
Memesu (1): cinnamoroll
Raiden (1): Abs.

Abstain (1): blurfbreg
Invalid Vote (1): Henry Gordan

Spoiler: Link's Will
Somebody. APTX. Abs. As. Anokata. If. I. Die. From. Poison. tank

i followed Lenk. in prep phase and they smell fishy

i was failed n1

tried APTXing Kleenekata d1 but failed

another quote 100 smells fishy

I discovered a disguiser lurkin around us the same night we lost one. Be wary of Anokata, Vermouth, and/or Irish!

tried APTXing mitekata d2 but failed

absu does not smell despite all of the workouts

no slanderdash happened third night coz conia is dedsorz i guess

trying to aptx blurfles as korn today

Spoiler: cast
Dark Lenk:
Image Image
Stable Owner:
Map: here
pofa wrote: I have never done a single thing wrong in mafia, never one lie or act of violence
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Re: Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Night 4]

Post by PT »

Results are out.
pofa wrote: I have never done a single thing wrong in mafia, never one lie or act of violence
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to cammel's bav we go!


Re: Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Night 4]

Post by PT »

The group looks up to see not one, but three ginormous lynels approaching.

"Take the princess," orders the front-most one, a brown lynel with glowing, orange eyes. "Kill the others."

The other two, a purple lynel and a blue one - though darker than the usual blues - nod to their leader.

"I bet they're the ones that took Princess Lenk," Zilda says, preparing her shield while the Lenks get their weapons ready. "Stay on your guard. Lynels are tough to begin with, and they don't usually travel in packs."

To their surprise, the stable owner and her workers also grab weapons (well, a mop, a pitchfork, and a couple torches, but, it's the thought that counts).

"You can't threaten my customers!" the stable owner calls out, pointing her pitchfork at the brown one.

"Do you truly think you can stop me with that toothpick?" the lynel asks, laughing and deep, evil sounding laugh.

"This isn't a toothpick! It's the Master Pitchfork!" The stable owner rushes forward, attacking the brown lynel as the Lenks gang up on the blue lynel, who has also readied his weapon.

Meanwhile, Zilda studies the purple one. She hadn't noticed it before, but there's a bag on its back - and the bag seems to be moving. Someone, or something, is inside it.

Shield in one hand and fire rod in the other, Zilda runs toward the purple lynel, set the grass around her on fire as she goes, intent on getting that bag and freeing whatever is inside.

She swings the fire rod as the lynel aims for her, his sword slicing clean through the rod, and sending the half she isn't holding flying, but, at least, it missed her. And she managed to grab the bag from the lynel in the scuffle, so she retreats, letting the more experienced fighters (and the Lenks) take over the battle.

Ruvio's ghost meets her as she reaches the stable entrance.

"What's that?" he asks, gesturing to the bag. "It looks like my mask bag."

"I'm not sure, but it's moving," Zilda answers as she sets the bag down gently and unties it.

Out pops a head of red hair, attached to a young woman in a giant, purple dress.

"Zilda, it's you," the person says, clutching at her side, where she appears to be bleeding. "You found me."

"Princess Lenk!" Zilda gasps. "What happened?"

"It stabbed me," Princess Lenk answers, coloring fading from her face. "I don't think I'm gonna make it, Zilda."

"No! We came all this way to rescue you! You have to pull through! We'll find a way to heal you! Ruvio, what can your masks do?"

"I don't think there's one that heals people, Princess," Ruvio answers sadly. "Maybe Green's ocarina can do something?"

"There's no time," Princess Lenk whispers. "Thanks for trying to save me, Zilda. Take my ice rod. I won't need it anymore."

She pushes her ice rod into Zilda's hands before the last of her life leaves her.

Princess Lenk (Abs. [Kid-Amuro]) has died.
Abs. (Kid-Amuro) was killed.
An officer was suspended.

Spoiler: Abs.' Will
1. Link - knows my role
2. Kamite - ???
3. Abs. - The most trustworthy Lenk ever
4. Memesu - ???
7. Kleene Onigiri - arrested D1. - Only suspicious people get thrown in jail
8. blurfbreg - ???
10. Raiden - ??? but knows he got stolen from, so RIP me
11. Henry Gordan - ???
13. cinnamoroll - ???
Spoiler: cast
Dark Lenk:
Stable Owner:
Princess Lenk:
Stable Workers:
Image Image Image
Spoiler: The Lynels
Image Image Image
Map: here
pofa wrote: I have never done a single thing wrong in mafia, never one lie or act of violence
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Community Mad Scientist
to cammel's bav we go!


Re: Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Night 4]

Post by PT »

Results should be out.
pofa wrote: I have never done a single thing wrong in mafia, never one lie or act of violence
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Community Mad Scientist
to cammel's bav we go!


Re: Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Day 4]

Post by PT »

Green sees the commotion near the stable and runs over to see what is going on. At the sight of Princess Lenk lying dead on the ground, they go pale. The mission... has failed? Just like that?

No, they decide. There has to be a way to fix this. Pulling out their ocarina, they begin playing every tune they can think of.

The Song of Storms only makes it start to rain, though that does mean Zilda's fire from earlier is put out.

They try the Inverted Song of Time to see if that will bring Princess Lenk back, but it's to no avail.

Finally, they settle on one that might help: The Song of Healing.

It does nothing.

Princess Lenk is truly dead.

Green looks away from the princess' body and, instead, looks to Princess Zilda, who looks suspiciously okay with Princess Lenk's death.

In fact, she barely seems to have paid it much attention. Instead, she's focused on something in her hands: a colorful mask with spiked edges.

"Princess, how did you get that mask?" Ruvio asks, sounding almost afraid of the answer.

Princess Zilda smirks, looking first to Green and then to Ruvio. "How do you think I got it?"

Green's mouth drops open. Is she implying -- that she is the one who killed Ruvio and stole the mask?

"Princess, you don't want to put that mask on," Ruvio warns, trying in vain to grab it from her. His ghostly hands pass right through.

"Oh, I think I do. After all, I had to kill to get it."

Green lunges for the mask, trying to grab it from her, but she shoots them with the ice rod, freezing them solid.

Green (Kamite [Numabuchi]) has died. says the Shield. Five lives remaining.

Once Green's body fades away, leaving only ice chips in its place, they regenerate a couple feet away, and shout, "Red! Blue! Get over here! We have a problem!"

"What's the problem?" Red shouts back.

"Princess Zilda is evil or something! She killed Ruvio and stole the mask, and she's probably also responsible for Princess Lenk's death!" Green answers.

"Princess Lenk is dead!?" Blue screams. In their panic, they turn to face Green and Zilda, and their hookshot goes off, its pointed head reaching all the way over and stabbing Princess Zilda (Raiden [Kusuda]) in the chest.

As she struggles to breath, she jumps at Green, dropping the mask on the ground and wrapping her hands around Green's neck. "You! How dare you ruin my plans! You'll die for this!"

She strangles Green to death and then falls to the ground, dead.

Green (blurfbreg [Kobayashi]) has died. Four lives remaining.

In the background, unnoticed by anyone except the MVP Stable Owner and her crew, the lynels fade into nothingness. Meanwhile, Green regenerates once more.

In the distance, they can hear someone running toward them. Turning, they all see Purple waving at them wildly.

"Hey guys! Oh gosh, I can't believe you forgot about me! I finally caught up! Did I miss anything?"
Kamite (Numabuchi) was APTXed.
Raiden (Kusuda) was lynched.
blurfbreg (Kobayashi) was strangled to death.

Raiden (2): Henry Gordan, Memesu
blurfbreg (1): Raiden
Henry Gordan (1): cinnamoroll

Abstain (1): blurfbreg
APTXed (1): Kamite

Spoiler: Raiden's Will
Spoiler: blurfbreg's Will
Guess what? The Detective Boys have a new case. The mysterious Lenks. murders! As their manager, I can't be negligent in my duties to keep them safe.

While stalking behind Lenk., we found a lost boy. He said his name is Kamite.
The Detective Boys decide to rummage through Yuriko's stuff. She's not Gin.
While stalking behind Lenk., we found a lost kitty. The tag on its collar says Raiden.
The Detective Boys decide to rummage through Link's stuff. He's not Gin either.
The lost boy, Kamite, wanted to give his thoughts on the mysterious murders. Who knows whether this tiny child is behind all this? But I'll continue to persevere for my adorable children.
While stalking behind Lenk., we saw a lost girl, but someone got in our way and we lost her. We found out later her name was Paix.
The lost boy starting to make me feel nervous with his words. The Detective Boys don't think it's safe to share too much.
The Detective Boys decide to rummage through Raiden's stuff. He's not Vodka.
While stalking behind Lenk., we found a cute rabbit. She kept drawing cinnamon buns and delicious-looking cakes on the dirt.
Is the lost boy a trickster? Is the boy and the cat working together? Maybe we'll find out.
The lost boy started to tell me that the kitty is suspicious without evidence. I think he's crying wolf.
Spoiler: Role List
1. Link [Haibara]
2. Kamite [Numabuchi]
3. Abs. [Kid-Amuro]
4. Memesu [Megure]
5. MoonRaven [Akemi]
6. Yurikochan [Yukiko]
7. Kleene Onigiri [Anokata-Naeko]
8. blurfbreg [Kobayashi]
9. Paix672 [Irish]
10. Raiden [Kusuda]
11. Henry Gordan [Ayumi]
12. Conia [Kuroda]
13. cinnamoroll [Kazami]

Green Lenk: Kamite, blurfbreg, cinnamoroll
Blue Lenk: Memesu, Paix672
Red Lenk: MoonRaven, Henry Gordan
Purple Lenk: KleeneOnigiri, Conia

Princess Zilda: Raiden
Ruvio / The Unhappy Mask Salesman: Yurikochan
Dark Lenk: Link
Princess Lenk: Abs.
Spoiler: cast
Dark Lenk:
Stable Owner:
Princess Lenk:
Stable Workers:
Image Image Image
Spoiler: The Lynels
Image Image Image
Spoiler: Unused Art
Map: here
Full Map: here
pofa wrote: I have never done a single thing wrong in mafia, never one lie or act of violence
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Re: Mafia 83: The Adventures of Lenk [Town Wins!]

Post by Raiden »

not sure why link in my will didn't work but here it is
Thanks for GMing, PT! Awesome story <3
Vengeance Princess Win! \o/
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