Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

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Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »


Xenoblade Chronicles X is the follow-up to the critically acclaimed Wii JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles. In this game, you are among the last of humanity, struggling to survive on a new world after Earth was apparently destroyed. This happened in the middle of a war between two alien armies, and very few got on the White Whale ship in order to escape and survive. Now they have crash landed on Mira, where they hope to survive on their colony, NLA. Only YOU can help!

In terms of gameplay, it is a weird mix of several RPG styles, basically a JRPG twist on open world sidequest focused western RPGs with MMO influence as well. This is true of both games, but the original was more focused on its main story, while Xenoblade Chronicles X is more focused on its world and characters as you struggle to help the remainder of humanity. My assumption is that it's like going from Mass Effect 1 to 2 in that regard. I say assumption because this is a Blind Let's Play! While I know things about the game, this is my first time ever playing through it.

The current plan is NOT to 100% this game, because that would presumably take an eternity to pull off. Instead, it is simply to do as much content as human and reasonably possible. This includes a whole bunch of things, from main story quests, to small missions, to missions to help your comrades to exploring the vast world of Mira, to even doing things for achievements. However, one interesting thing about this Let's Play is that unlike the original Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles X has a semi-silent protagonist. By that I mean, while he/she (gender choices!) can speak during battle, she has no vocal interaction during the actual cutscenes where the important story events happen. So, to make up for that, I will be making up little journal entries to put in this thread immediately after I post a video (at least the vast majority of the time). So hopefully that will add something interesting to all this.

Part 1:
"Day 1

During what little time we have to take a break here, I’ve decided I needed to get my thoughts down on this device. I have apparently lost my memories, as I only really remember my name. I’m not sure why you would call someone “Slider”, but this is no time to question myself about this. There is so much I don’t know about, and I don’t know if I was supposed to know about this. I was awakened last night from some sort of pod by a girl named Elma. I have no choice but to follow her, as I have not seen another human being so far on this journey. She is taking me to some sort of colony that I can already see far in the distance. Thankfully, this means there is civilization on this planet. I am not surprised by this, but I am certainly grateful.

I will say, I feel calmer than I perhaps should be. On our way to this cliff, we’ve fought some of the local wildlife (mainly insects). I was suddenly given a gun, but along with my knife, I’ve been fighting these creatures fairly casually all things considered. I wonder if I was some sort of soldier in the past based on this. I remember enough to know that not everyone can handle this type of weapon this easily, so that’s my best guess. I wish I knew something about my past.

I don’t know how long I’ll record my thoughts like this."
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by KainTheVampire »

Hm... Is this supposed to be after Xenoblade?
Because from what I understood of the ending, wasn't Earth already destroyed and that's why the lived on those huge monster thingies like it was no big deal? :x
Conclusion: "This area is full of crap" and "It's a nasty place!"

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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

KainTheVampire wrote:Hm... Is this supposed to be after Xenoblade?
Because from what I understood of the ending, wasn't Earth already destroyed and that's why the lived on those huge monster thingies like it was no big deal? :x
Alternate universe. The creators have said this game has nothing to do with the original, story-wise. Kinda like Final Fantasy.
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by KainTheVampire »

kkslider5552000 wrote:
KainTheVampire wrote:Hm... Is this supposed to be after Xenoblade?
Because from what I understood of the ending, wasn't Earth already destroyed and that's why the lived on those huge monster thingies like it was no big deal? :x
Alternate universe. The creators have said this game has nothing to do with the original, story-wise. Kinda like Final Fantasy.
Oh, ok :) Thanks for that clarification
Conclusion: "This area is full of crap" and "It's a nasty place!"

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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Part 2:

"Day 2

This has been almost too much to take in. I need to write down what I need to remember in order to remember it, as this is a whole new world for me. Quite literally it seems…
Thankfully, after the previous entry, we did go for the high road. We did find actual people soon after, which I very much appreciated. They were soldier-like gear, making me think military personal are highly relevant to the remainder of humanity. It worries me how casually I typed the previous message btw. On the way to our destination, we encountered some pig and lizard type creatures, but definitely larger and more dangerous than the ones I’m familiar with. The lizards acted more like wolves, which I found interesting. But by this point, it was dark out and I was already exhausted so I wanted to head into civilization ASAP. But we had the worst luck! The gate wasn’t allowed to be opened at the time so Elma and I went to use the elevator. But it “glitched” apparently. So by that point, I decided to make some dinner out of the pigs we killed as I was starving. Elma was easily able to convince the soldiers to help cook. Thankfully there was an oven inside that large vehicle that they had been using. If we didn’t have that we might’ve just attracted more of these guys trying to cook outside on like a fire of some sort!

I fell asleep shortly afterwards and was woken around 7:00 by Elma. We could finally ride the elevator up and went inside. There, I was introduced to some soldiers I sadly can’t remember the names of at this time. It doesn’t surprise me that people follow her. She seems like a strong leader. Also, this “New Los Angeles” is crazy to me. I must have forgotten a lot because I could never imagine a city this big. Well…I could actually, but not a different planet! Or on a ship for that matter! I vaguely remember Skells but I’ve never seen that countdown timer before. I wonder what that’s about…

We met some other guy who apparently works with this girl named Lin. She’s supposedly some sort of mechanical expert and I’ll go along with it, but it is odd. She’s only about half my age! I could imagine her being ahead of people her age, but an expert?! Either that’s very weird or my memory is worse than expected. I don’t know…

I, Slider, am currently in the Administrative District or something like that. We took a ride from one side of this city to the other, and while it’s smaller than I initially thought, it’s still massive compared to what I would expect. I’m ending this now, in order to go to…wherever we are going."
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by Raiden »

Watching this kinda makes me want to play it. Alas, I have no Wii U and no money to spend on one, but will settle with continuing to watch it here! :D
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Raiden wrote:Watching this kinda makes me want to play it. Alas, I have no Wii U and no money to spend on one, but will settle with continuing to watch it here! :D
Thank you for watching. :)
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Part 3:

Night 2

This place does seem quite similar to what I remember of Earth. The people seem the same, the language seems the same, the culture seems the same from what I can remember. But this is still such a bizarre and tense situation we’ve found ourselves in. Maybe it’s because of where I am but this entire section is filled with people who are focused on their work, other people’s work and little else. This might include the people I’m specifically working with, but it’s hard to say at this point.

This is not an insult towards any of these people. It’s apparent though we all need to do what we can considering our situation. It’s just all so bizarre to me though. Hopefully I get used to it. I have gotten plenty of useful information, to the point that it’s almost overwhelming! But it’s apparent I need to learn quickly in order to help these people any way I can. But I’ve decided I need a break from everyone and the constant tour of this crazy place and decided to jump up here.

…why are Elma and Lin running towards the wall?
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Part 4:

Day 3 (about to be Night 3)

After resting for a bit last night, I suppose I’m officially part of BLADE now. We were told to install a probe but we found these gigantic monsters dead near the area. It was kinda horrifying to see creatures so much larger than me just laying there, unmoving. Apparently they were killed by this Tyrant, a rare and dangerous version of the normal wildlife here. I would have to look up what these creatures are called but this was the most dangerous thing I’ve personally encountered so far. Thankfully Elma and Lin were great team mates for stopping this creature. I’m not sure if I should be impressed or not though. If it’s a tyrant and they could kill the monsters we saw, I suppose but it does feel like 3 people with such advanced weaponry shouldn’t be the underdogs against a creature, even a particular large one. Elma seemed to take most of the attacks from this creature and made herself the creature’s target. I am very grateful to have someone like her around.

Regardless, we protected the city, which is great! I am happy to do so, as…it’s the only home I have right now.
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Part 5:

Night 4

I am such a fool. I’m surprised Elma didn’t chew me out for my idiotic misunderstanding of the mission and how I wasted everyone’s time! I’m almost embarrassed to write this down.

So, a day ago after reporting that we killed that Tyrant, I was introduced to a bunch of divisions of BLADE that I could potentially join. While I can ultimately do what I want (all things considered), it made the most sense to join the Pathfinders as I am increasingly interested in exploring this world. It was at least what made sense to me so, I decided fairly quickly to just go with it. I hope I don’t regret this sudden decision making…

So now as a member of BLADE, I decided now was a good time to check out some of the missions that were currently available. I took some of the ones that would be easier to accomplish. Lin was pumped to help today o that encouraged me to take quite a few tasks. Unfortunately, I didn’t let them see what the mission entailed. I just said who we needed to see, found out they were in the Industrial District and started to run that way as I wanted to know the city better instead of relying on a trip in these flying vehicles. We’re all fine jumping from great heights so I took advantage of that. Unfortunately, I missed the road and landed straight in the water.

Elma and Lin were kind enough to go after me but thankfully we did get back on the road after climbing the pipes. This was far easier than I expected if I can be honest, but I certainly won’t complain. What I will complain about is my own inability to read. I didn’t realize that going to the people who want miranium was meaningless if I didn’t have any. I am such an idiot, oh my god!

I immediately changed course to the west gate once I saw another mission was that way, listening to anyone who happened to be around. When we went through the west gate, I knew I must take out some sort of enemy. At first, I tried to take out some of those pig monsters above the nearby cliff but they were stronger than I expected so we retreated. Instead, much weaker insects were on the cliffs and were a target for yet another mission. I thought it said we needed to kill 5 of them, so I did just that. I didn’t realize in order to get what we need I needed a specific weapon! Oh god, what was wrong with me today?! I feel I should’ve been reprimanded so much harder than I was by Elma. She said it was fine as training as long as I learned to pay attention to the mission in the future. I promised to her to do just that. She’s way too lenient on me, I swear!

Now, we’re at least heading in the right direction for another mission.
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Part 6:
Day 6

We helped Myles with his conundrum but all I've gotten from the past day or so of work is that this is a fascinating place. I am very interested in the wildlife yet I have zero qualms killing them for materials and especially to protect the colony. I suppose this is good, as otherwise I would be useless out here.

But just now, we ran into some actual aliens. They are seemingly alien to this planet as well as alien to us. But I feel it's a bad sign that the first ones I've come across have wished death on my species.

This is a short entry, we need to get going and see if we can find any humans. Based on what these two scouts said, I just hope these guys aren't responsible for what happened to this Skell or the missing people.
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Part 7:

Evening 7

I’m exhausted from fighting all these Prone xenos. But I’m glad we took out the one in charge of this base. Hopefully there aren’t more on this planet, or humanity might be in trouble…

We need to head back to base. Especially since we found another alien life form and one who seems to be peaceful. Maybe it’s because I’m still not used to this world but this guy is very amusing to me. He seems so absurd, I think I already enjoy his company. Though I worry about him with Lin around. She said she was hungry. She wouldn’t…

Btw: I went inside the base again and somehow it seems like I’m suddenly taller than everyone right now. It’s almost like I’m standing on something I shouldn’t be. ...oh well, it’s probably just me!
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Part 8:

Night 9

Elma’s words have stuck with me. Despite her somewhat stoic demeanor, she’s still passionate about this colony and it makes me feel the same way when she speaks like this. She’s a great leader for our group, even if she’s allowing me to dictate what we end up doing. I never realized how much trust I’ve been given until now.

But that’s just the main thing that’s stuck out in the past two days. We got back with this “nopon” named Tatsu, who is apparently a very good informant. We’ll see about that, but I suppose it makes sense considering he is more knowledgeable about this planet than any human would be. I just hope Lin doesn’t eat him before we get all the info we can! Ha…

Speaking of food though, we all helped to cook some delicious food. I was given some of the simpler tasks, as I’ve never been a cooking expert. But we did make some delicious meals out of shrimp and a variety of vegetables. I’m on this colony there is still some familiar food! It’s also nice to rest. I don’t get tired or exhausted nearly as often as I do on Earth, but it was just nice to relax yesterday. But today I feel I might have done too little? I convince someone else to join our crew but today I’ve only checked with the Hangar and accepted some missions that exist for the sake of training me for Blade. I’m trying not to be anxious about this, considering there are so many more important things I could be doing I’m sure!

Oh well…maybe tomorrow…
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Part 9:

Night 10

It's been an exhausting day. I decided I haven't had a chance to really get a feel of this place beyond the Administrative section so I got my chance to walk around the commercial and residential districts today. I wanted to meet with the people of this city and get a feel of what this place is really like. There were some enjoyable and some odd people here but they mostly seem like pleasant individuals.

But talking with so many people was unexpectedly exhausting to me. It's weird to say that when I've dealt with battles against dangerous monsters and xenos and what have you. But regardless, the common folk are as focused on our missions as anyone else. I guess it would be hard to avoid how significant and tough their situation is. Honestly, if it wasn't for that, I would've forgot I wasn't on Earth at points. This place is just like the towns I knew, it seems.

That being said, I don't know anyone as clumsy as that one girl I helped today. I was being nice and I hope for the best for that cafe but I am kinda worried about what might happened considering her track record with such fairly basic technology. Oh well...
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Re: Farewell, Earth (Xenoblade Chronicles X, LP 7)

Post by kkslider5552000 »

Part 10:

Day 12

I had been given the task to set up some probes and decided it was a good excuse to do some more exploring of this continent. Primordia, despite being frightening, is a beautiful place I admit. We spent about a day, maybe more, out here. We didn't run into too many of the hostile indigens or the like, just enough so we wouldn't be surprised I suppose. I almost feel like I've been to these places before. That can't be it obviously, so I'm just assuming it's remnants of my past life on Earth and any bits of terrain that's remotely familiar. Maybe my memories will come back to me someday...

On a lighter note, I am so glad I've finally got some Miranium. I completely failed to accomplish much the last time I wrote in here so hopefully I can complete those missions I accepted soon. I understand why since everyone at Blade has had to explain so much to me and I'm still slightly overwhelmed but I do think it would've been nice to have been told about how to do this sooner.
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3DS friend code: 2878 - 9709 - 5054
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